Two-hour massage before I drive off tomorrow to the South.
I had done last-minute maintenance stuff before I subject myself to an hours-long drive to my hometown tomorrow. I just finished a two-hour massage c/o Zennya because I know my back will be frozen after the drive.
But before that, I needed to do car maintenance like what any responsible car owner should do.
Engine oil flushing and change and other preventive maintenance checks. Photo by Car wash and interior vacuuming. Photo by
I gave Twin A my Tokyo-finds watercolor palette and now she’s trying them out. Twin I, on the other hand, was influenced to do the same but she is using the set that I bought for them from Lazada two years ago.
Making art. Photo by
Will be bringing our bikes tomorrow and we will try to go to that pond at the back of a research facility on campus. Draw, grill hotdogs or chicken wings, and have a picnic.
But it’s rainy in the next few days 😑
Meanwhile, I’m just gonna watch the Messi and the rest of Argentina.
I think I won’t sleep tonight. Photo by
As an ex-goalie, I feel bad for the French goalkeeper 😂. Well, a penalty kick from Lionel Messi is a death sentence.
It’s raining yellow cards!!!
OMG!!! Last 10 mins France scored 2 goals 2 mins apart!
The French owe it to Mbappe. Fantastic game!
Ugh! I can’t take the suspense. Overtime is killing me.
OMG! Messi!!!
This is the reason why football is the most beautiful game. OMG!!! Messi scored again! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
MBappe is a beast! Whooooo!
3-3 in an overtime. This brings us to a shootout to break the tie. My heart can no longer take it.
Emmanuel Macron is so ecstatic!
This is the best World Cup game I’ve ever watched. It’s so beautiful. This is what football is all about.
This has come down to the penalty shootout! Best of 5.
Brillant save by Argentina. ❤️
Ahhhhhh congratulations to Argentina. Brillant game. Just beautiful. Messi will be sainted in Argentina after this.
So enough of the boo hoo episode and I must forge ahead. I read some past entries under the tag “anger” and what I’ve written last night is the recurring theme and I keep saying the same things over and over.
That means I’ve exhausted the topic. Eventually, I will get tired of it and I will no longer have any fucks to give.
The fact that I am no longer triggered with what I wrote last night (unlike before when I still get triggered everytime I did write about him) means I’m getting there. Take note, I’ve been off my meds since July and the topic didn’t send me palpitating nor I was sleepless. In fact, I fell asleep easily last night, with my phone on my hand as I dozed off while watching a reel. So this means the topic is no longer that grave as before.
Cheers to me!
Yes, I’m still angry but it’s no longer the heaviest weight on my mind, unlike before when it was occupying so much headspace. I realized now (after ruminating over this) that forgiveness is not needed for me to become indifferent to him. Just like with my past exes (and boy, they did some despicable things), I just grew up and no longer cared. I didn’t have to forgive them—I just didn’t care anymore.
I think this thing with J will just go down the same way…my anger will just dissipate, not because I had forgiven him, but because I no longer give a fuck anymore.
So yeah, the self-help books may be wrong with this one; they keep on saying need to forgive the person (or yourself) to be able to move on. I don’t have to because one day I will just stop caring since it will no longer have any bearing on me. And besides, it’s ok to keep that anger because that will keep me from engaging with such people.
Today we just ran errands and kept within the 2 km radius of mu apartment because OMG the traffic was really bad today. I keep hearing it being talked about while I was in the supermarket and reading about it on some FB and Twitter posts.
Here I was, waiting for the girls to finish their Kumon session. Photo by
The girls went to the Kumon center for their last session for the year and I followed to fetch them so we can go grocery shopping.
The most ridiculous thing today is that my onions cost PHP 250 for less than a kilo 🤦♀️
My contractor sent me these photos. Yey! My house is almost complete.
My window and fire exit. Tiny kitchen window.
Let’s see if by next week there will be more significant progress…
Let me start off by saying I needed a drink to write this down because this entails eviscerating myself.
I had a long chat over Messenger this afternoon with my friend (friendship dating back when we were 9-10 years old), about family (I know her entire family and their quirks and the generational issues) and how far we have come from where we were 2 years ago. It would be her supposed wedding anniversary tomorrow while it would be my 2nd year as a dumpee.
She told me about how her ex-husband just trashed all the things she has done for him, how she supported him when he had nothing, how she lifted him up because she loved him. However, he said he is happier without her. His insecurities led him to cheating and choosing women who would make him look good because he is superior over them vs my friend who is an overachiever.
I told her, unfortunately, the value you put in all of the things you gave him is not the same value for him–if he valued it at all. That’s how the world works, especially with narcissists, and with her ex-husband, he thought that what she did for him was an obligation and/or he was entitled to it, therefore, has zero value at all.
I told my friend, it’s just like when we adopted this niece (from a cousin) and she lived with us throughout her college life. We treated her like a sister, like a daughter. Then now she talks shit about us, especially on social media. We don’t know what we did to her to earn her hatred but at least she could have just shut up, in deference to how we treated her, right? My older sister said, apparently the value we gave to how we offered her a home and how we made an effort to make her an immediate family to us was zero for her. There are just people who are like that. I’m still hurting over that but what can I do, right?
Just the same with her ex-husband and just the same with my ex.
I remember right after J threw me off the balcony exactly two years ago from tomorrow, I had an interview with a company owner in Thailand he introduced to me. I think we set the interview in early January. That said, my interviewee enjoyed our conversation so much that we had two interview sessions. I took the opportunity to promote J as a good advisor that he should hire. He got so much boost from me—me being stupid, thinking that it was my last act of love towards somebody who I eventually discovered was screwing me over for a very long time, even from the beginning.
What a fool I was.
I thought I had forgiven him. Apparently no.
Because I dreamed about him this morning, but this time, in my dream I was in a quandary about how to kick him out of my house. We just got off the car and he was going ahead of me in some conference we were both supposed to attend. I whispered to a friend that I “still couldn’t do it, you know kicking him out,” but I know I had too because he was already treating me badly and was sucking out my light. The dream ended there.
So my dream was like an allegory of my anger that I still harbor and couldn’t still let go of. I haven’t forgiven him. I don’t want to label this as hate because I don’t want him to have that kind of power over me…because the opposite of love is not hate but indifference. Oh I wish to God that I’m already indifferent but I recognize that it is a long process and it’s not easy.
If I were a horrible, vindictive human being, I could have destroyed him because we move in a world where a good reputation is the most important thing, especially if you’re after contracts and high quality networks. This is very much true if you don’t have much of a track record compared to others in the same space. But I just said to myself, I won’t stoop to that level and just let the universe do its thing. Karma comes back biting your ass, I believe.
Besides, he has already destroyed himself within my network by his own doing, dallying with that ex-reporter girl. He underestimated my network, how far my arms can reach, what my ears can hear. He can no longer use my network even if I chose to be quiet because that’s the most dignified thing to do. I just let the universe do its thing.
I was used and I realize now that was from the very beginning. I took it hook, line, and sinker. I believed what I wanted to believe and ignored the red flags. He used baits like “Will you give me a home?” schtick so that I would give him everything that I had, believing he really wanted to be with me. I accepted him for what he was and when he was at his lowest, I tried to give him the world, with all that I had. I supported him with everything—moral, financial, professional…
I recognize and experience that relationships sour and breakups happen. But what I found unacceptable to me were the deceit and the lies. The way he treated me especially in the end. And what makes this healing difficult is that I am trying to live my life quietly but things still come unraveling to me even until February-March this year, about 14-15 months after the breakup. Like, what the fuck?! What did I do to deserve this?! He just kept throwing all these curve balls on purpose. Typical narc.
All I did was to love unconditionally, but loved the wrong person. Very wrong person. Now I don’t have anything left to give to anybody and I don’t think I have the energy and love left. I realized that love is not infinite.
So healing is not linear. You go take one step forward, two steps back many times in the course of this wretched stage. At the same time you are forced to “adult”. If I were still a theater actress now, I know I would be able to bring more depth and gravity to the characters I will play because I finally know now how it is to die and come back from the dead. Well, for me that’s how the past two years felt like. I died and come back from the dead several times.
Through this past two years, I learned how invaluable professional therapy is. Not just the woo woo group therapy (those New Agey things). You know, grief messes you up and chemically, your body changes and it short-circuits you. As my doctor said, it’s trauma and left unaddressed, the short-circuiting continues. Long Covid didn’t help either. Depression and anxiety are not trivial. It’s not a sign of being weak and/or lack of faith in God. Some people are predisposed to it due to heredity, environment, and/or it’s just how they tick. I realized that I’m an empath and I absorb the slings and arrows of everything and everyone around me–that’s why I have the double whammy. Artists (even not good artists like me) are prone to such things—the twin evil named depression and anxiety. That’s where we get our mojo. That’s why I could draw better when I was down and out. I could write the most heartfelt piece when I hurt. We draw our power from our gut and as a consequence we expose our innards only to get bruised more.
J may not understand what I went through and would think that I had just been melodramatic if he only knew (so that’s why it was really better for me to be scarce and disappear), but that again boils down to how differently we valued the relationship and one another. To him, I was just a tool and a means for him to reach his goals, one step at a time; for me, he was my world—at that time. So again, he would never understand.
So in summary, the past two years had been a long difficult process. It was walking through fire barefoot. It was like having an odontectomy but local anesthesia does not work (and yes, this literally happens to me). It was like battling with a Balrog in the depths of Moria, dying and coming back as a white Maiar, bleached by pain and death.
But bouncing back as a more powerful wizard.
I have found my inner strength and a new-found love for myself. I had found my voice again.
I may not be shiny and effervescent like those big-boobed women who go bar-hopping and post their night life on social media to prove that they have attractive, “meaningful” lives. I am also not a high-powered woman executive that command thousands of people with a snap of her fingers.
I am just me.
I can be charming if I wanted to be. I am intelligent and there are no dull conversations with me, if I wanted to. But most importantly, I can offer a warm home with lots of love and care, where someone can belong and grow roots. Because anywhere with me is home—that’s the best I can give to anyone.
And J just doesn’t appreciate that. He is the wrong person.
Soon, I would just wake up and say, “Who was he again?” That’s the best indication of indifference I hope to achieve.
I found forever on EDSA. Photo by
I spent half of my day yesterday just driving. 🤦♀️ Only 14km roundtrip but it felt like 120km.
I went to Greenhills to have my daughter’s phone repaired (cracked LCD) and to buy a door knob for my room here in the apartment. OMG! It’s horrific out there!
It was so exhausting that I fell asleep on my bed with my lights on. 🫠
Meanwhile, I’m trying to sell my iPad 9 with 256GB ROM to my bro since I want to shift to Samsung Galaxy Tab S8. Ipad 9’s screen is too big for me whereas Samsung’s Tab S8 can be held by one hand. Plus iPad’s RAM is 3GB vs Samsung’s 8GB RAM.
I just lightly used this because it was just too big. I didn’t use the power brick and cord because I knew eventually I would have to sell this. Photo by Can be a semi-laptop replacement. Photo by
I told my bro that all the accessories are included like the pen and two covers, one of the covers is a keyboard combo that makes it more viable for him to be a laptop replacement when he has meetings and so on.
I tried using it as a laptop replacement but it just doesn’t cut it. The only time I was able to use it as such was when I tweaked (at my mom’s house) and read my speech during last August’s graduation rites of my undergrad college.
I could barely use it for work because it was too big to chuck in my handbag. Might as well bring my full-powered laptop with me if I still need to bring another bag.
When I travel, I find myself still reaching for my phone to scroll through IG and watch Youtube videos. It takes two hands to be able to watch anything on this iPad.
OS upgrades until 2026, security updates until 2027 or 2028.
But I’m still on a fence here since parts for iPads are easier to get here (albeit the generic ones from some Shenzen factory) than for Samsung Tabs. Resale value also lower for Android tablets.
But if I buy it now, S8 comes with a free slim case with keyboard.
I’ll visit a Samsung store to check it out before I let go of the iPad.
Hmmm so it seems like the world is conspiring against me. The Tab S8 in brick and mortar stores no longer offer the bundled keyboard case because it was a promo until supplies last. 😵💫
In other domestic developments, I finally have a door knob after destroying my door when my kitties were locked inside.
The carpenters had to put body fillers to repair the door. Photo by
The workers have to sand this down tomorrow so to make the surface smooth and for the new coat of paint to stick.
I now have a functional door lock after months of making do with a barrel lock and a duct taped hole. 🥴
After a restless night (as expected) I left the dorm at 11 to check out my house and bring the Christmas gifts to the workers and wine to my contractor.
Well, it’s a slow progress but I could see that the construction is not haphazard and it’s high quality.
As my daughter, Twin I, requested, she gets a hotel-like vibe for the bathroom.
Huge rain shower head. Photo by Granite lavatory counter. Photo by
The floor drains do not look like floor drains, you know, the ones without the grills so they blend in with the floor.
And I have a bright, light-filled room. The insulation installed above the ceiling brought down the temperature even if I would be directly hit by morning sunlight.
Sobright. Photo by I guess I would be forced to wake up early because it’s so bright. Photo by Big enough pantry cabinet. Photo by The drywall in the girls’ room is complete. Their room is twice as big as mine. Photo by I need to cut the tree branches to let the light in the dining area. Photo by
After a visit to my house, I decided to eat in a restaurant tucked away at the foot of the mountain in campus. To have a different view. To see trees.
Greenery outside the restaurant. Photo by View from my table during lunch. Photo by Time to go back to the city. 😭 Photo by Christmas in the city. On the way to Hilton Manila.
And I just finished an ambush interview with the CEO of a listed conglomerate. Why? I don’t know. I’m supposed to be on leave 🤦♀️
Ah EDSA, how do I hate thee? Photo by
On the way to my appointment in BGC…
I left after lunch and it only took me 1 hr and 30 mins to reach my hometown. Travel time from QC to BGC? Almost the same 😑
As spartan as it can be. Photo by
I checked into my Airbnb to drop off my stuff that I can’t leave inside the car unattended. This Airbnb is really a student dorm. But since college classes are not yet full face-to-face, some dorm rooms had to be let out to short-term renters.
I had an early dinner with my best friend and we had non-stop gabfest for two hours. Then went to visit another friend at her apartment to bring gifts and spent another 2 hrs talking with her.
After that, I had coffee (wellll, it’s tea actually) with my sis-in-law at Starbucks and talked until the coffee shop was closing.
Photo by
And now I’m back to my sad dorm life 🤣
Dorm courtyard. Photo by
Only a few students are here. It’s kinda lonely. Although it’s better probably because college students are looouuuuddddddd!
Let’s see if I can have my walk around campus tomorrow before I go to my house.