Trampoline day

So here we are in this stage where my girls want to hang with their friends more than with me. I’m a cool mom so I had been driving them to places where they meet up with friends.

Trampoline playground at Ayala Feliz. Photo by

So this afternoon I drove them to Ayala Malls Feliz in Pasig along Marcos Highway. I loaded their Timezone cards and left them there while they waited for their friends.

I went around a bit but shopping isn’t really my sport so I just went to a foot massage place and did a 70-min session, which was just so-so. Then I just waited for the girls at Agave, the Mexican restaurant in front of Timezone and had this:

Churros and hot chocolate. Photo by
I did some finishing touches to this but I’m still unhappy. Art and photo by
So I am remaking it for someone who liked the first sketch. Photo by
Still half-way through but tthe light is already fading.

I think my astigmatism or myopia has gotten worse. I feel a dull pain pounding behind my left eye, which is radiating now to my forehead and crown.

Another visit to the optometrist is in order. 😑

And oh, I found a random guy playing beautifully on my dream piano.

Several videos later…

I can’t stop watching!