
I must have been really exhausted yesterday that I didn’t know when I fell asleep and I just woke up with a child beside me.

Back to my routine after a week of chaos. Keeping checklists is essential or else I would be forgetting to do so many things.

My diary ring binder to keep my life together. Photo by

That ring binder keeps my receipts, my monthly budget checklists, umplanned purchases, and of course, my schedule and to-do lists.

I juggle so many roles and duties, so this little thing keeps me grounded and sane. Sometimes I look like I’m absent-minded when driving; the truth is my mind is racing whenever I’m like that because I’m always thinking of the things I must do and which to prioritize. I’m two steps ahead. However, that always ends up in driving blunders 🤷🏻‍♀️

Speaking of schedules, get togethers have started and last Friday I had two held online. One had a theme and this time I was a willing participant because I want to be extra this year.

I came as Jolina Magdangal, the local actress that popularized this look in the late 90s to 2000s.

I had a curmudgeon ex that would think this is all silly. Good thing I’m solo now and I don’t have to suffer his opinions. It’s silly but fun.

Tomorrow I need to be in BGC for a gathering in a hotel. My car is banned so I need to get there during window hours. Face to face encounters with execs are far and between so year-end gatherings or AGMs are the only times we get to see them.

Because my weeks became out of whack due to illness and travel, I got behind my physical training. It has been a month since I last did my long distance walk and indoor exercises. I’m back to being a blimp.

I should pull my ass and push it do the UP walk today. Today.

I just want to stick this funny-sad Twitter video that embodies how truly fucked our country is right now.