I like Tori Amos’ covers of well-known rock songs. She gives them more depth and female angst. Here is my simplified version of her Nirvana cover, Smells Like Teen Spirit. I couldn’t match Tori’s piano playing because I’m lazy and I want the easier way 🤣
Smells Like Teen Spirit
On the perky side of life, here is my version of Sweet Child of Mine by Guns N’ Roses. A staple during my high school days.
I kept playing the piano to cool down after my 7+ km walk tonight. Yep I just rested for two days and back again on the saddle.
It took me a little bit longer today because I didn’t pressure myself. But I think I didn’t change my pace that much since I still average 15 mins per km.
When the girls were much younger, this path was their playground. They pretended to go on a journey, like in Pokemon, climbed trees and explored the winding paths. Photo by CallMeCreation.comI wanted to catch the sunset again. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
This is exactly why we’re moving out of Metro Manila. This carmageddon will never end.
I am currently working now in my future bedroom, my laptop propped on a portable table. I have sketched a new layout for my flat and added the measurements of the Pax cabinets I will be ordering from Ikea for my wardrobe. I hear the wind agitating the trees, amid the relatively peaceful environment, and it makes these photos above more horrifying for me.
I will be driving through this Bedlam tonight.
This morning I walked under a drizzle to buy beef at a much cheaper price compared to those sold in supermarkets in Manila because 1) the cow that was butchered was under the university R&D and extension office i.e. it is not meant for commercial sale (she just happened to have an accident, like a broken leg so she had to be culled); 2) it was a milking cow (hybrid Holstein), part of the cattle that the university keeps under the Institute of Animal Science to produce dairy products under its extension program.
My father used to have his office here for many years. This building is only one of the few that remained intact after World War 2. Photo by CallMeCreation.comAt least 2 kg of high quality beef inside this cooler. Photo by CallMeCreation.comMy lovely view while waiting for my beef. Mount Makiling is obscured by rain clouds. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Walking back home, I saw this vegan and vegetarian restaurant next to the football field. This used to be an artillery building during World War 2 so it’s built like a bunker. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
I rested for a bit so I can savor the feeling of being in the football field where I spent endless hours playing the sport that I once loved so much. It’s so peaceful. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
So sweaty. With Baker Hall in the background. Behind me is the one-storey building where I buy our fresh milk bottles and yogourt everyday since Friday. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Carabao’s milk. Yum. I didn’t buy mozzarella cheese because…I’m still thinking about our menu for the rest of the week. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Breakfast for today. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
After expending 160 kcal from my early morning walk, I gained it back by having breakfast. LOL.
I started the day early and worked in a better mood than usual. Monday.
I’m romanticizing life here now because I’m not yet living here again full-time. But so far my stress and anger from last week had ebbed and my early morning walks helped a lot in regulating my mood.