So I needed to burn those calories today after being a sloth yesterday.

During one of my walks after the monsoon rains of August-Sept, I saw a cat curled up like it was sleeping on the sidewalk across Kalayaan Dorm…but it was already dead. It probably died of hunger or cold…My heart broke. 💔
I told my girls about it so we started feeding strays inside the campus with leftover bones and kibbles that my spoiled cats no longer want to eat. The strays outside our compound’s gate have disappeared so I no longer have cats to feed that are near the apartment.

After getting back from my walk, I unloaded the vegetables I bought from my suki veggie vendor. Then I did my indoor workout to burn off the cake calories some more.

So I burned almost 500 kcal. Not bad. But I’m so tired. I should be resting because hormones are still out of whack but I just took 1 tablet of Berocca to give me an energy boost for the day. But heck, my head is still pounding.

Meanwhile, people had been sending me via messenger or tagging me on some Sandroisms (Sandro Marcos stupid quotes) on Twitter and Facebook since they knew I would be laughing my ass off. Everybody knows that he is my favorite person to troll on Twitter for YEARS. His brainless comments really make it easy for me to make fun of him.

Manila Bulletin has taken down the FB and Twitter post. But of course I preserved this golden quote card, and is kept with my other Sandroisms (screenshots of my trolling him on Twitter).
This made my day. 🤣