
And just like that, I was roped in to re-join my undergrad college to be an adjunct faculty member. When they learned that I would be transferring back to my hometown, my friend, who is the graduate school secretary, said I’m now in the list of prospective adjunct faculty members. 😂 They need media practitioners with extensive field experience to teach undergrad and grad courses.

How did I end up in this situation? We were drafting the training curriculum for “data journalism for practitioners” with the institute of computer science and this snowballed into something bigger… so I ended up having my ass being hauled back into academia.

This data journalism training is a separate matter since I also need this as I have zero coding and data viz experience (except for the basic HTML coding that I learned by myself 22 years ago). I need this for my current job since we are now going big on data analytics. Dashboarding and machine learning need more intensive training i.e. non-degree or degree program so I have to devote more time for this.

What have I gotten myself into again???

I told my friend that maybe when I retire from the field I can go full-time into academia. In the meantime, I cannot commit (checking papers is hell on earth for me) since it looks like I need to be in Singapore every two months. Our managing director in HK is asking me to go back in mid-January. When I was teaching in UP Diliman from 2013 to 2015, I had difficulties in managing my time during my last semester since I had to travel overseas quite a lot. It’s unfair to my students.

I can only devote xxx number of days per semester these days because I need to fix the Southeast Asia bureau and that’s a Herculean task. On top of my editing duties and journo duties >>> chasing stories.

What have I gotten myself into again? 🤦‍♀️

Eventually, I will need to get myself into a PhD program overseas. Ugh. A sandwich PhD program could work.

Ghad, I need to hire an accounting service for tax because this complicates matters. I hated filing it when I had two different tax forms.


We arrived here at home at around 3:30 pm yesterday and haven’t been out since then. My girls had been boasting to me that the cats preferred them over me as these critters had been sleeping on their beds instead of mine. I, who had spent four days alone this Christmas to feed them and clean their poop boxes, did not get any cuddles from these ingrates. 😑

But, but, but…

I fell asleep early. Around midnight, I felt a very warm blob on my left side. It’s Kimchi!!! Cuddling with me, finally.

Red eyes from sleep.

I took this photo and sent this to the girls via Messenger to prove to them that my cats still love Mommy. 😘

Deed is done

Traffic jam everywhere! Photo by

I braved the horrible traffic today. First, I needed to fix my bank accounts because the bank has frozen them. Apparently, I didn’t do an update of my personal and professional info for xxx period… So I couldn’t withdraw from the ATM and couldn’t do online banking 🤦‍♀️. I have five accounts with them that needed updating so it took a while. But at least it’s done now. 😑

Then I braved Greenhills to sell my iPad. Finally, it’s done. I’m not really maximizing it anyway.

While I was waiting for them to finish testing the unit and for cash to be paid to me, I was flicking furiously on my phone and doing something sinister…

I finally pulled the trigger. 🫠

Now I’m waiting for it to get cleared… Hopefully by Dec 27 it’s on its way to me. Why did I do it instead of reinvesting almost 40k back to my house?

Because I’m a fucking tech junkie 🤦‍♀️ I need saving from myself.

Ok, I promise myself this is the last big-ticket item I will buy that is not for the house.

Gyoza for hunger pangs. Photo by

After having a very late lunch (almost 3 pm), I drove back home via the maze that Waze has directed me to use because freaking EDSA was not moving.

To come home to this:

Kimchi playing with a rubber band. Photo by
Sushi watching me watching over them. Photo by

These cats are the crazy reasons why I’m spending Christmas Eve and Christmas day alone. Because of the cats that cannot feed themselves and clean up their poop.

I will be leaving early 26th because my family will be checking into this resort.

Hot springs in December!

The ponds become a lagoon from October (typhoon season) as these converge with Laguna Lake. Then these will go back to being ponds when the dry season sets in by Feb.

I will try sketching here but on Monday I’m on editing duty 😭

Public shaming

I will troll her until kingdom come.

You see, I used to cover her at the Philippine Competition Commission when she was still a commissioner there. She was one of my favorite commissioners to put on a hot seat during press conferences (the other one is Comm Joey Bernabe). I used to love covering both of them and she once told me that I keep them on their toes whenever I attend their presscons. She was really good and made sense. Her specialization at the UP School of Economics was health economics—everything that concerns private healthcare funding, universal healthcare, public health finance, etc.

Then she ran for congress.

She’s now swallowed by the system (or maybe there was a corrupt politician hiding in her all along) and has co-authored the bill that would create the Marcos slush fund a.k.a. the 1MDB 2.0.

What are sovereign wealth funds? These are created by states so that their excess reserves can go somewhere more productive instead of sitting in the national treasury. What states have excess funds in an age of budget deficits? Oil countries. Malaysia, Norway, Kuwait and other Middle Eastern states.

What is a Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF)?

A Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF) is a state-owned investment fund or entity that is commonly established from:

  • Balance of payments surpluses
  • Official foreign currency operations
  • The proceeds of privatizations
  • Governmental transfer payments
  • Fiscal surpluses
  • And/or receipts resulting from resource exports

And as a public finance and macroeconomy reporter of 8+ years, let me tell you this:

  1. We used to log BOP surpluses but that changes month on month. I used to do magic and produce news articles just from a table of national current accounts (oh the pain of writing BOP stories)…. BUT it’s more frequent that the numbers are in ( ).
  2. We privatize government assets because we are always short on cash.
  3. We didn’t have fiscal surpluses. We never balanced our budget and the smallest budget deficit that finance reporters of my time recorded was PHP 60bn (if I remember it right) and that was before the global financial crisis. Arroyo had to backpedal on the zero-deficit plan because by 2008 our economy went shit.
  4. Receipts from resource exports? We don’t have OIL AND GAS to export, unlike the countries I mentioned above. Our mineral resources aren’t generating enough receipts for us to create an SWF. Indonesia has coal and nickel, while we have the low-grade variety of these minerals.

(Not well versed in govt forex operations and transfer payments as source of funds for SWF so I won’t touch on those).

Tapos obsessed na obsessed tong gobyernong to magtayo ng SWF, kala mo may excess funds tayo. HOYYYYYYYYYY we have always operated on a deficit. Kapal ng mukha netong mga to!

HOY STELLA! Slush fund ng Marcoses ang tinutulak mo. Di kami bobo.

To calm me down, I resorted to sketching this scene at the Singapore Botanical Gardens before I started editing today.

Started with globs of color. Art and photo by
Art and photo by

This government is driving me nuts.

I bought more frames when I was at the Mall of Asia/Ikea. Just because. If I produce a decent sketch or painting of something, maybe I can frame it and give it as a gift.

My hoard. Photo by

And I bought a wok as a gift to my cousin who wanted a paella pan (but I couldn’t find it.

Wok not too heavy so it’s good for flipping fried rice or stir fry vegetables. Photo by
Of course, Kimchi just had to sit on it. Photo by

Zero skills

Let’s sum up my Monday with this email exchange, shall we?

woman in red t shirt looking at her laptop
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Me: requesting for an interview with this firm because of a new development.

External PR: responds and feeds me questions to ask in the interview.

Me: sending my own questions and say if the firm is not ready to answer my Qs, then there will be no interview.


This is not a Philippines-based PR. Thank goodness, PR people here in PH are much better.

When I received that email with the questions feed, it took me a few minutes to process what the PR firm wants me to do. Then I was flabbergasted (“how dare these guys!” *deep inhale*). Then anger had set in. Then later I had this urge to laugh hysterically due to the absurdity of it all.

This is exactly the reason why there is zero journalism skills in Singapore. I mean, the PRs are even feeding journalists questions to ask during an interview. 🙄

And also this is a reflection of how clueless Singapore-based PR firms are when it comes to how real journalists work (and not the state-controlled hacks). YOU. DON’T. FUCKING. DICTATE. TO. A. JOURNALIST. WHAT. QUESTIONS. TO. ASK!!!

If you are pushing a certain narrative, you give the journalist who is going to do the interview a press release with your narrative/the client’s narrative. You leave the journalist the choice if she would use it or not. If the journalist is lazy, she would just take it, hook, line, and sinker.

This is why we jokingly say that Singapore journos are copywriters—they just copy the press releases. I receive 50 press releases in 24 hours (from different time zones) and I see how the regional (Southeast Asia) media outfits publish them. Some have journo bylines but the copies that have been published are just rehashed/paraphrased PRs. No new inputs to make them exclusive or fresh.

The PR firm has not come back after I replied to that bizarre email (in the most diplomatic way I could). It still hangs if the firm wants the interview or not.

And that, folks, is how the rest of my week will go.

I just want to have my Christmas vacation!!!

Kimchi, very comfortable after doing her zoomies at 3 am. Photo by

I must to go Marriott tomorrow for a conference and grant me, O Lord, patience. LOTS AND LOTS OF PATIENCE because that annual conference is always known to be chaotic.

We’re slowly dying

Our water utility in home town has been poisoning us with arsenic. The Commission on Audit (COA) has already flagged this in 2020 and 2021 but the local water district has failed to fulfill its duty as a regulator. I again wrote LWUA to demand why our water district has not addressed so many issues, the biggest of all is the high arsenic content.

I suddenly got tired. I am too angry and it left me tired. I’m just too spent.

There are so many problems weighing me down.

God, help me.

Thank God for cats.

Dear daughters, this is mommy, still grace under pressure. I try to be the best I can be despite the mounting problems on my shoulders because I want to show you that it can be done. That you always have to maintain dignity at all times because at your lowest point, that is the only thing that will be left with you. Love, mommy.

Making the most of it

Napping with Kimchi. Photo by

My stomach is knotted right now as I would be going back to work tomorrow. I have a call at 9 am. Then I have a ton of emails and story backlogs to attend to. Then I must make my final arrangements for my trip to Singapore.

Count my blessings. At least I still have a job. I would have a fully paid home by February.

I just need to hurdle these last few issues then I’m off to another holiday vacation for Christmas.

Inking. Art of photo by
Practice. Practice. Practice. Art and photo by

I just realized UP Masscom building is boring.

At the rate I’m going, it will be 10 years before I see any improvement. I need to sketch everyday so I could train my eyes to be more observant and to teach myself how to translate things that I see on paper.

Meanwhile, I just completed our application for Philippine Science High School and paid the admission fee online. I’m not confident ok if they would NOT pass the final screening but at least they would have some kind of practice exam before the girls take the real entrance exam that we are really targeting—my high school.

I’m also preparing some stuff for work tomorrow and some deliveries that I should attend to, like my online purchase of more Holbein half-pan watercolors.

Gee, I promised myself that I would be more disciplined with money while I am having my house constructed but here I am…buying unnecessary stuff.

I have to keep myself from shopping in Singapore. The peso has sunk further against SGD (now at 41) and it’s madness to go shopping there. I just bought a new luggage from Suntec City and two handbags at Tangs in July. Electronics? I have everything I need. I don’t need to buy a new laptop and the current one I’m using now as my desktop is still fast and there is hardly any hiccup at all.

I should just go to Botanic Gardens and sketch there. Or stay at a coffee shop near heritage buildings and sketch. Anything that could keep me from spending unnecessarily.

While I complete some tasks at my desk, my kitties are insisting that they should be part of my work, too.

Kimchi being obnoxious by lying on my bills and notebooks. Photo by
Sushi is on her usual perch on my workchair. Photo by

My girls are probably bored to death at their dad’s hometown now…