Making the most of it

Napping with Kimchi. Photo by

My stomach is knotted right now as I would be going back to work tomorrow. I have a call at 9 am. Then I have a ton of emails and story backlogs to attend to. Then I must make my final arrangements for my trip to Singapore.

Count my blessings. At least I still have a job. I would have a fully paid home by February.

I just need to hurdle these last few issues then I’m off to another holiday vacation for Christmas.

Inking. Art of photo by
Practice. Practice. Practice. Art and photo by

I just realized UP Masscom building is boring.

At the rate I’m going, it will be 10 years before I see any improvement. I need to sketch everyday so I could train my eyes to be more observant and to teach myself how to translate things that I see on paper.

Meanwhile, I just completed our application for Philippine Science High School and paid the admission fee online. I’m not confident ok if they would NOT pass the final screening but at least they would have some kind of practice exam before the girls take the real entrance exam that we are really targeting—my high school.

I’m also preparing some stuff for work tomorrow and some deliveries that I should attend to, like my online purchase of more Holbein half-pan watercolors.

Gee, I promised myself that I would be more disciplined with money while I am having my house constructed but here I am…buying unnecessary stuff.

I have to keep myself from shopping in Singapore. The peso has sunk further against SGD (now at 41) and it’s madness to go shopping there. I just bought a new luggage from Suntec City and two handbags at Tangs in July. Electronics? I have everything I need. I don’t need to buy a new laptop and the current one I’m using now as my desktop is still fast and there is hardly any hiccup at all.

I should just go to Botanic Gardens and sketch there. Or stay at a coffee shop near heritage buildings and sketch. Anything that could keep me from spending unnecessarily.

While I complete some tasks at my desk, my kitties are insisting that they should be part of my work, too.

Kimchi being obnoxious by lying on my bills and notebooks. Photo by
Sushi is on her usual perch on my workchair. Photo by

My girls are probably bored to death at their dad’s hometown now…