Hello, Samsung Tab S8!

When you buy online, you get a free slim book keyboard worth PHP 7k. Free delivery via LBC. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

I think I finally achieved a happy compromise. Portability with bigger screen compared to iPad mini 6 that I had been initially planning to get. I checked my sister-in-law’s iPad mini 6 that was newly purchased by my bro—it was losing charge quickly and it heats up. They had to bring it to the Apple store/reseller for possible repair. Aside from that, the screen was so small, even for watching Netflix. I want something that I could chuck in my handbag, but it should not be that small.

It was hard to satisfy my requirements. 🫥

I can hold it with one hand, like when I read daily news in bed. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Now I can read all my newspaper/magazine subscriptions away from my desktop. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

It has an 11″ screen, but it’s narrower and easier to handle than my old 10.2″ iPad 9. It’s also lighter.

It can easily be shoved into my medium-sized handbag. This is great for when I leave the house, like for a coverage or a meeting, but I’m not expecting heavy editing work in between. Or when I go out of town for leisure but I need to bring a machine for “work emergencies” without lugging my Lenovo laptop.

I have installed this with all the apps that I usually use for work like MS Outlook, Office, Teams, Zoom, etc. It can do multi-tasking without freezing (unlike my old hybrid tablet Lenovo Miix 3) or slowing down. It also has DeX, which is a special feature of Samsung tablets that can change the tab’s UI into desktop mode.

The keyboard is a little tight but serviceble and tactile.

I can use my Logitech mouse for this but it’s more cumbersone to shift machines with one mouse. Just use the damn pen! What’s the use of a touchscreen if you don’t use it?

I can draft an article here on the fly if needed. Well, I used to work a lot on the first netbook, Asus Eee PC 701 (with a 7″ screen), and used it as my main word processing machine in the field, therefore, I can live with this Samsung Tab S8 tablet/keyboard combo.

I guess some gadget reviewers were right; this is how Chromebooks should have been. Google could have just stuck with Android and optimize it for tablet/hybrid laptop instead of going for the Chromebook OS where everything is done via browser. I mean, where’s the versatility in that?

I’ve always been chasing the holy grail for journalists everywhere: a word processing machine powerful enough for our daily tasks in the field but can fit into our handbags so we can be free to literally chase people for interviews.

I remember way back in 2006, one journo pulled out her Palm (or a Handspring?) with a stand and a folding keyboard and started typing away during a press conference. I turned green with envy then because I was lugging everywhere with me my 15.4″ Toshiba laptop that weighed a ton. Anything that would help me reduce the size of my bag was welcome. Since then, I had been looking for a word processing machine that can send emails that I can bring everywhere with me.

This brought me to investigate HP’s iPaQ and Handspring Visor. I had wanted those things so badly because that meant I could leave my humongous laptop behind and just carry with me that handheld device and just connect it via infrared to a small keyboard. Of course, I couldn’t afford those things at that time (early 2000s).

So when the Eee PC came to Manila, I grabbed one (PHP 18,000 retail price in 2007) and left my Toshiba at home and turned it into a “desktop”. I finally was able to carry one bag with me in the field for the first time. 😉 The other business journos followed suit.

But the tiny keyboard caused my carpal tunnel syndrome. I had to go to an orthopedic surgeon because my hands and wrist were in so much pain. When the doctor asked how I worked, I pulled out my netbook and showed him how I typed. Bingo, he said. He told me to change my machine and prescribed to me a nerve pain medicine (Pregabalin) and a combo of Vit B complex. And oh, wrist supports when I slept. I think I did that for several months until it no longer hurt.

So my remedy for my tiny keyboard? I upgraded to a bigger netbook. I can’t go back to huge-ass laptops! Then netbooks went out of favor (they were so underpowered), so I had to search again for a middle ground: thin laptops/ultrabooks then hybrid tablet-laptops. The last one was the super underpowered Lenovo Miix 3 that eventually Twin I destroyed. I had to go back to the traditional heavy laptops.

Let’s see how this Tab S8 would fare in the field.


And just like that, I was roped in to re-join my undergrad college to be an adjunct faculty member. When they learned that I would be transferring back to my hometown, my friend, who is the graduate school secretary, said I’m now in the list of prospective adjunct faculty members. 😂 They need media practitioners with extensive field experience to teach undergrad and grad courses.

How did I end up in this situation? We were drafting the training curriculum for “data journalism for practitioners” with the institute of computer science and this snowballed into something bigger… so I ended up having my ass being hauled back into academia.

This data journalism training is a separate matter since I also need this as I have zero coding and data viz experience (except for the basic HTML coding that I learned by myself 22 years ago). I need this for my current job since we are now going big on data analytics. Dashboarding and machine learning need more intensive training i.e. non-degree or degree program so I have to devote more time for this.

What have I gotten myself into again???

I told my friend that maybe when I retire from the field I can go full-time into academia. In the meantime, I cannot commit (checking papers is hell on earth for me) since it looks like I need to be in Singapore every two months. Our managing director in HK is asking me to go back in mid-January. When I was teaching in UP Diliman from 2013 to 2015, I had difficulties in managing my time during my last semester since I had to travel overseas quite a lot. It’s unfair to my students.

I can only devote xxx number of days per semester these days because I need to fix the Southeast Asia bureau and that’s a Herculean task. On top of my editing duties and journo duties >>> chasing stories.

What have I gotten myself into again? 🤦‍♀️

Eventually, I will need to get myself into a PhD program overseas. Ugh. A sandwich PhD program could work.

Ghad, I need to hire an accounting service for tax because this complicates matters. I hated filing it when I had two different tax forms.


We arrived here at home at around 3:30 pm yesterday and haven’t been out since then. My girls had been boasting to me that the cats preferred them over me as these critters had been sleeping on their beds instead of mine. I, who had spent four days alone this Christmas to feed them and clean their poop boxes, did not get any cuddles from these ingrates. 😑

But, but, but…

I fell asleep early. Around midnight, I felt a very warm blob on my left side. It’s Kimchi!!! Cuddling with me, finally.

Red eyes from sleep.

I took this photo and sent this to the girls via Messenger to prove to them that my cats still love Mommy. 😘

Digital Nomad

I needed to work but at the same time I also needed to get our money’s worth. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

My mom and I woke up early so we can have a dip before the kids wake up.

The lake is violent today. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
My mom soaking her back against the hot water pipe. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
It’s cold but I’m faking it 😬
Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Clouds settling on top of Maria Makiling. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Finally, the kids woke up and joined me in the pool.

It’s difficult to concentrate on work when half of your consciousness is busy with mommy duties and trying to enjoy the resort while half is struggling to be a responsible editor.

We’re hungry.

The cold has bothered me

This is a romantic site. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

❄️ It’s cold here because of the breeze coming from the lake. ❄️🌨️ And we’re at the foot of the mountain.

This morning at 6 am, I cleaned the cat litter box, refilled it with fresh litter, filled up my cats’ drinking fountain, filled their plates to the brim with kibbles, and off I went to drive south.

No cars! Photo by CallMeCreation.com

Since today was declared by the governent to be a non-working holiday, people opted to stay where they were. This meant no private vehicles! Wohoo!

All the way to the south, still no cars!

Photo by CallMeCreation.com

It only took me less than 1.5 hrs to reach my mother’s house. I then checked my house, which was devoid of workers since it’s a public holiday.

A locked front door. My door. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
It’s still a mess. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Since this bathroom gets adequate sunlight, I think I can hang some moisture-loving plants. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

I edited some articles from China this morning until my kids were ready to leave at around 1 pm. We first went to a local park because I wanted to show the girls the former lake port where I boarded the ferry 🛥️ that whisked me away from my hometown to Guadalupe, Makati when I was in college. Because I wanted a more adventurous commute to Metro Manila. 😜 I did that several times when I had to go to UP Diliman.

Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Tres Marias. Photo by my sister.

After some photos, we went straight to the lakeside resort. It’s very windy.

Photo by CallMeCreation.com
On the way to the cottage and the pools. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Work mode still. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

Since there was no other editor around, I picked up more stories from China and India for editing. 😑 My kids and their cousins had played in the hotspring pool while I slaved away.

We had to bring our own food since this resort is the DIY kind. With Kuya P. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

It was already dark when I finished work.

Would have been nice to walk around here with someone. But I guess not for me this time. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Photo by CallMeCreation.com

They turned off the hotspring valve but the pool is still warm. However, I’m not enticed to dip because I’m cold.

I’ll just wake up early to have a dip when the pool man turns on the hotspring valve. Before I start to edit again. 😑


This article from the Financial Times and the comments section made me think real hard about emigration. I always knew at the back of my head this is one of the the reasons why I haven’t emigrated while the rest of the middle class Filipinos (well about half) have done so. My sister also said the same that’s why she opted to fly back home instead of staying in Australia.

One of the arguments is émigrés do eat up resources of the natives and some are being priced out of their native land. Such thing is happening in Barcelona (a victim of over-tourism as well) and some parts of UK (London in particular, where rich HK and mainland Chinese have been buying flats for Plan B). My sister said that while racism in Australia is not as bad as when my father was there for his graduate studies, there is still some kind of resentment towards émigrés, especially the Chinese (for various reasons) because of the said reason above. She said she can’t blame them because she would feel the same if she were in their shoes.

In this FT article, the columnist said Netherlands is busting at the seams. Productivity is low due to government incentives, with many Dutch opting to work part-time while no one wanted blue-collar work (service staff in HORECA sector, airport, etc) for the price being offered. Why work 40 hrs when you can do 20? Importing more blue-collar workers is not an option given that migration is a touchy issue in the EU. Brexit comes to mind. The Netherlands has a tight housing market since the Dutch do not build up, which is ironic in a country that is continuously battling the North Sea and always under threat of being engulfed especially now with melting glaciers from Greenland. Just like any port city, Amsterdam is getting denser. Some in the comments section have pointed out that Singapore, Hong Kong, and Tokyo are handling the population density by building up, which cities like Amsterdam and London are not willing to do. Aye, there’s the rub.

The FT writer said that there are farmlands that can be claimed for housing elsewhere in Netherlands but people said why would we give up land that has been feeding us and allowing us to export our produce? They have a point. They said that in order for Singapore to grow and accommodate its population, it has foregone the ability to produce its own food and is importing almost everything it consumes. But then, are the Dutch willing to go in that direction? Of course not.

high rise buildings during night time photo
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

I then remembered my conversation with a Singapore-based friend about the Singaporean affliction of kiasu, the selfishness due to fear of missing out. It’s annoying as hell and this is exacerbated by racism towards Asians they deemed inferior to them. I told my friend that this kiasu was probably borne out of the fact that they had to fight for the very limited resources that they have. And here we are, Filipinos who also want to have a piece of those very limited resources. They would be/are really, really be pissed off with us, who keep on voting for shit government and now we want to escape our hellhole to burden the natives with our demand for the same limited resources. That’s why they are keeping us out by putting a very high price tag for everything that we foreigners would need. A colleague from HK who migrated to Singapore with her husband (who was being transplanted by his company) said the rental apartments for foreigners are ridiculous. She wouldn’t find apartments below SGD 4,500, her realtor said. Public schools are not for foreigners as well so you need to fork out at least SGD 30k a year per child for private/international school tuition. This colleague–who recently left my company for higher pay and work visa issues because our HR is very narrow-minded–couldn’t do anything but bite the bullet.

The AVP of this company I had lunch with last week said that when Marcos won last year, he and his wife immediately thought about leaving the country and weighed their options regarding migration. Their choice was Canada. But then the wife, who has a private driver for her daily commute to her workplace, wouldn’t be able to have her maids and driver when they move to Canada. They would be doing every menial task that she didn’t have to do here. They have a relatively affluent life here in Manila; they can tour Europe on business class (the wife refuses to travel coach) and buy shit out of the luxury stores in Europe (i.e. shopping for many expensive bags), her husband says. So they are staying put here for now.

This brings me now to my talk with my journo friend, M. Like the typical affluent Filipino whose family is financially and politically connected, he didn’t have to work like mad to afford his lifestyle since he can just receive dividends from family business, etc. His mom flies to Switzerland because she just feels like hiking the Alps, that kind of thing. But M does work to prove to the family he is unlike the rest of them. Anyway, he said there is little incentive for him to migrate because he leads a relatively comfortable life. Why would I fight for the resources in other countries that I can have here, he asked. He has a point.

This is a complex conundrum that is forever tugging at the back of my mind. Am I being selfish for not thinking about the future of my children since I am not offering them the world? Just because I don’t want to struggle since I am comfortable where I am now? I know that my degrees from the best university here do not mean anything abroad; in fact they look down on it because my university is still lagging behind everybody else (my Singapore-based friend said). Would I want to subject kids to the same kind of predicament?

But then, despite the academic limitations, I am still competitive abroad, in my field at least. I couldn’t say the same for my kids when it’s their turn. I don’t know what is right or wrong now.

However, if let’s say I move to the US (because I can for my job), would I be able to afford sending them to college without them having to deal with debilitating student loans? Would they be able to cope with the feeling of displacement? Would I be able to closely watch over them as a single parent? Would I be able to afford housing without working two jobs because my work entails that I need to be in financial/business centers where resources are limited? For me to afford a home as a single mom, I have to locate myself in Hicksville (as my cousin calls rural backwater America), which is worse than being stuck here in the Philippines, methinks.

Maybe, just maybe, this is for the best in the meantime. They can emigrate after they graduate from college by applying for scholarships abroad for graduate studies. We have finite resources but here I can have those resources that I am rightfully entitled to. And I have a voice here that I can use to fight for equality and equity among the people to have access to those resources so we don’t have to develop the kiasu attitude.

Merry Christmas!

I celebrated with the cats. Had been video-calling my kids every now and then so they won’t feel abandoned. But I don’t think they have issues spending Christmas away from me since we are stuck together everyday anyway.

They’re trying to talk to Kimchi.

I had wine again to make me fall asleep.

Christmas drink.
After. Wohoo!

But nope, I still ended up sewing a curtain panel to make me sleepy. I went to bed at almost 3 am. I realized I must finish more curtains because I only have 5 months before I move out. I want to have curtains up in our tiny house when we move in. They say it makes it feel like home immediately.

My dainty felling stitch. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

My kids at least have better food than I do. My sisters ordered lots of dishes for Christmas eve while I am going to have the chicken cordon bleu that my neighbor gave me. The era of slaving away in the kitchen for Christmas dinner and Christmas day festivities is long gone. After my father died, we just celebrated Christmas out of town, the first of which was spent in a beach resort. The pandemic forced my mom and my sisters to spend Christmas at home.

As for me, I had to cook today. I wanted fluffier rice so I cooked it in this claypot.

I must look for a bigger claypot for general cooking because rice is lovelier this way.

Photo by CallMeCreation.com

Maligayang Pasko

A litle white wine.

It will be 24-23 degrees later so I don’t think I will need the AC on tonight.

And my four-legged children are cozying up.

Kimchi is not letting me finish folding the clean laundry. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

What shall I cook? Should I cook???

UPDATE: I just had beef pastrami, some cheese and red wine. No need to stress myself.

The last Christmas in this living room. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

A bit bittersweet. This has been home since 2018. Despite the difficult circumstances, I tried to make this apartment into a home. You know, the home that you want to rush back to when you’re tired from being out in the harsh world. It’s so old that everything crumbles, but I tried to make it the most comfortable home. I tried my best to keep vermin away but I have no control over my messy neighbors so their vermin crosses over to my unit 🤦‍♀️. At least when they slip, they’re only confined to the laundry area. Then I trap them there with whatever pest control device/chemical I have.

The last Christmas holidays the girls will be sleeping on this bunk bed. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

I’ve been playing Christmas songs in piano via Spotify all day. This is so lovely.