And I cry

We’ve done everything we could. It’s just that… There are too many people swayed by “fake news” and believe the lies.

My kids want to apply for passports now. Said we need to visit one target country.

My banker source said we need to stay. We fight.

Let me cry first tonight. This country is breaking my heart. Over and over and over. It’s hard to love you, Philippines. My heart is tired.

Why? Why do I keep fighting for you? Why do I keep holding on to something that is visibly not worth fighting for? Happened to me in 2019-2020, still happening now. Should I just let go? It seems like you don’t want to help yourself. You continue romancing the corrupt, inept, and evil beings and yet I continued to have faith that somehow you will see the light.

But no, it’s a lost cause. My children seem to have no future in you.