49 years and they’re still lying

The Marcoses have showered money again on all those social media trolls trying to revise history–Facebook and Twitter are sooo full of them right now. The Marcoses are also hiring actors and “influencers” to propagate their lies, especially that Bong-bong Marcos is running for president next year.

In service of the Filipino people, I am making available this book by Primitivo Mijares, a book which caused him to disappear (and his body was never found) and cost him his son’s life. I bought a hard copy for my mom on Amazon several Christmases ago. This book was not made available locally for a long time.

Today is the 49th year of remembrance when Ferdinand Marcos, one of the world’s greatest crooks, imposed martial law in the Philippines.

September 21, 1972. #MarcosNotAHero #MarcosMagnanakaw #NeverForget

I’m supposed to write something today and/or tweet on Twitter but I got so stressed with all the trolls that I abandoned the idea and focused on taking care of myself instead. Maybe next week. I need to get better because, as one of the people who got imprisoned during martial law told me via private message last week, we need to fight another day.

So today is my last day of confinement in my room. I don’t think I have the strength to go out and withdraw cash so I will have my househelp do that for me. In any case, all my transactions these days are online so cash is not a top priority right now. I finally was able to order meat from Monterey Community Market and have it delivered here. The transaction was seamless as well. I have yet to order vegetables via Facebook Messenger. Some friends have sent me food packs and groceries with fruits. One sent her love all the way from Singapore.

Sushi is as tired as I am. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

My cats never fail to visit me and keep me company everyday. They love scratches behind the ears and underneath their chins.

Kimchi in her odd sleeping position again on their cat bunk bed. Photo taken by the girls’ ate.

I edit two stories a day–the maximum I allow myself to do these days. Doing more would make my brain bleed. I still feel dizzy at times and have some random headaches. I need to sleep by lunch or early afternoon. I don’t know how long I will be like this. It seems like my biking to and from UP to buy vegetables is a lifetime ago.