Merry socializing

‘Tis the season for drinks and socializing. Photo by

I was one of the early birds because I had to come before rush hours (5 pm-8pm) when my car is banned from the streets (Monday, my car plate ends in 1). I parked at the hotel and walked to High Street to work in some nearby restaurant. I was on editing duty today so it was a non-stop flow of stories that needed major fixes. 🥴

I think I can be a digital nomad if I want to. Soon. Photo by

My main reason for going out tonight is to see more friends from the industry whom I haven’t seen that much this year–and of course the past two years. I had non-stop conversations with some of the editors with whom I needed to touch base. Right after I arrived, I opened my laptop to do some minor tweaks to a story I had been laboring over for a few hours earlier. One editor said, “Aha! I just finished my final edit right before you came.” That’s usually our greeting to each other; we usually ask, “When are you going to close your storefront?” This translates to: When will you do your last edit/end your editing shift? Are you free now to socialize/do non-work related stuff? Because we editors are normally tied to our “desks”. I put it in quotation marks because “desks” not long ago were literally the physical desks in our publications’ office. Now our “desk” means anywhere we can put our laptops with Internet connection. It’s only during and after the lockdowns news editors were finally allowed to work from home. Before Covid, news editors were required to be physically present in the newsroom so we can supervise the layout and be within cursing distance of other editors. Rain or shine. In my case when I was still with a newspaper, floods or heatwaves.

Covid changed all that.

Vodka + tonic. Photo by

I asked T, one of the editors I often see and talk with in some events, if she is still required to come to the editorial offices and she adamantly replied, NOOOOO! And every time they have editorial meetings, the topic of working from home constantly crops up and she keeps on campaigning to make this arrangement permanent.

There’s little reason for us to come to the office and face the traffic jam and the high Grab fares. Newsrooms can function like this, as proven by Covid. Your reporters are in the field anyway.

Oh wait, reporters are now house reporters. It used to be a derogatory term for lazy reporters who don’t do the rounds in their beat and seldom cover events. Now, we are legally house reporters and nobody bats an eyelash.

The PR firm that helped arrange this event has given up its physical office since the team realized that it’s more efficient for them to work remotely. Each employee can save money and time and can be more productive this way. The owner of the PR firm said he is weighing if he should just buy one small condo unit just to have an address. I said you can just rent from Regus or other co-working spaces and get the service that offers an office address and a phone number for business registration purposes. I told him that I was thinking of doing the same years before but good thing I didn’t push for it since it was useless… We could just use the Singapore office address for whatever reason.

Now our new business cards just sport our names, job title, our publication, email addresses and mobile number (or Wechat, WhatsApp or LinkedIn). We no longer have physical addresses printed. We’re all floating anyway, and this is especially true for our Singapore office. We all just hot-desk and many of us elect to just work from home.

The corp comm head of the host for this evening’s party also said that their hybrid setup has become permanent. They just hot-desk in their new office and just maintain lockers. It saves them floor space and time. They’re a tech company now anyway, so better make everything digital and cloud-based.

And remote working makes gatherings like this more meaningful. We make an effort to come and have conversations with our hosts and with friends from the industry.

Nice to see them all.


I don’t feel good right now. An article I had labored over is being questioned by a guy who has been in this job only for a year. 🙄

I’m tired because I had been editing until 7:45 pm. My brain is already fried. Then I get an email from somebody in New York about the wisdom of the story I wrote.

Just like last night, I was disturbed by an editor who asked me “do we publish this kind of stories?” I said yes, since the time I joined in 2014. I was hired to do this kind of stories because there’s plenty of this in my market and no one specializes in it.

I just want to scream.

Maybe I need to rest. Like rest for a long, long time.

My boss just sent us our numbers for 3Q22 and I’m on the top 3 most productive person in APAC. No wonder I’m so tired.

I was trying to hug my cats but those critters are useless as emotional supprt animals 😑

Kimchi being a pompous ass here after running away from me. Photo by

My kids hugged me but they’re too busy with their own stuff. I didn’t tell them that I just needed some affection because everything went bad today. It’s not good to burden them with my emotional needs. That’s not what my kids are for. Children who are made to shoulder the happiness of their parent/s become broken human beings.

I just have to hug myself today.

I have 100 things on my to-do list but I couldn’t strike off any of them because I no longer have the energy to do them.

Out of whack hormones and sheer exhaustion, this is all what it is. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

I will just cry tonight. I just don’t know why I have to but it will make me feel better.

Food forest

I will soon achieve this.

Well not yet. I mean it takes years before you can establish a small holding like this. My plan is to have something more organized than this. Like veggie beds under the existing fruit trees that my father and my nephew planted. This guy also gave me an idea what to do the the laundry runoff—I will create a “wetland” to process the grey water from the washing machine since I plan to make my ground level a contained utility area and next to it is the outdoor patio for barbecues with an optional hot tub.

This video calmed me down after the shit I went through again today as a result of that idiotor that had been encroaching on other people’s turfs. Because he misunderstood the corporate structure (because stupid company named several layers the same thing), he messed up and made it look like I got it wrong. He published his own version of the story while I stood my ground and stuck with how we explain things. My manager kept on harping about it and until I drew a chart of the corporate structure and sent it to her and had the reporter explain it. So she recognized that I was right, the idiotor did a shortcut and edited it according how he understood it.

It was a painful way to end the day and my brain was so exhausted. All this hee-hawing while I was editing another story that competition was also chasing. I told another editor-friend that I was already tuning out (it was before 6 pm) as I was already so pissed and my brain was already hurting.

Then I played the piano and sang for an hour. God bless my piano that was within my reach.

Fedora for the win! Photo by

For several days now, I had been installing several Linux operating systems on Twin A’s desktop computer because Minecraft doesn’t seem to agree with Ubuntu 20.04 and crashes. This last OS I installed is the latest Fedora version and so far so good, it is running smoothly. The Bluetooth manager is better compared to the crappy one that Lubuntu 22.04 has.

Choosing wallpaper background. Photo by

Twin A: Mommy, how did you know how to install operating systems?

Me: I learned by myself. Trial and error.

A: How did you learn Linux systems?

Me: I learned again by myself. I studied by trial and error.

I wanted to add to her that I am a geek at heart and tinkering with operating systems was a hobby of mine before I had kids. I even wanted to have a Raspberry Pi system (the barebones PC setup) to experiment with. I wanted it to be my multimedia machine back when downloading *stuff* was still a thing (now everything is streamed).

Photo from

I think I can make a smart home with this Raspberry Pi if I learn how to configure this. Something to occupy me—as if there’s not enough to occupy me these days.

Twin I said she saw my door was open this morning (while the AC is running) as the cats let themselves in while I was sleeping. As I posted here before, Sushi knows how to open my bedroom door if it’s not bolted.

My sister-in-law told me over Viber last night that they adopted a black kitten. She is part of the litter that resides near their apartment and SIL said she fears that mommy cat is pregnant again. I told her when we come home this Friday I will bring my cat carrier so we can bring the mommy cat to the College of VetMed hospital to have her checked. If she’s not pregnant, we can have her spayed the following day.

Black Kitty. I want to name her Kuromi クロミ. Hehehe.

We will be spending 3 days at my mom’s. I hired my nephew to tutor my girls on Fri and Sat for their upcoming simulation high school entrance exam on Sunday. I’m quite useless when it comes to Math because I already forgot how to solve algebra problems, among other things. My nephew, Kuya H, graduated with honors from my high school–the high school that my girls will be trying to get into. At least his memory is fresher than mine. I took the entrance exam in 1991 and of course I couldn’t remember if I had a hard time when I was taking the exam. All I remember was I had no problem with English and my high score there pulled up my Math score 🤣.

OK, another day has ended and OMG I need to cut off all communication tomorrow so I can finally finish my drafts. Like seven of them.

We are populated by idiots

Dateline Philippines: Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino issues an internal memorandum calling on schools and public libraries to pull out books that contain ‘anti-government’ text.

Who the hell does the Commission on the Filipino Language think it is? We must resist all this historical revisionism and dumbing down of Filipino students.

We must expose these assholes and bring them down. Public torching should be the SOP for such things.

OMG I’m so incensed today.

An asshole editor, who is trying to be relevant, is looking to pick a fight today. Just because he no longer has any reporter left since they all quit and could no longer stomach him, he intrudes into my turf when he clearly doesn’t have any basis and grabs stories from my own backyard. We had a long email thread about his arresting stories on the backend/CMS because I stood my ground and told him that next time he should inform ME first if he is going to poach and mess with a story that I painstakingly edited for four days. I did not back down and told him I will not tolerate such discourtesy and I made sure I cc’d relevant people. Even the reporter who wrote the story couldn’t understand why he was dipping into this story that doesn’t concern him. It’s not even his turf.

He could not even understand how joint ventures work.

What a way to end the week.

I should really pick my battles but damn, this dude really is public enemy number one. And as I promised myself, I will not let anyone disrespect me anymore. Ever.

Ice cream to calm me down. It’s the weekend! Photo by

I was too exhausted, too agitated to relax on the last working hours of Friday. I should have been happy because I had so many scoops this week, especially today. But nhooooo, this asshat idiotor had to rain on my parade.

Ghad, I’m working too hard.

Meanwhile, my mom is super happy that my older sister gave her this:

And I was just thinking about having my own massage chair. Photo by

I think I will be a frequent customer of this thing next weekend. Hohoho!

Lemme see, tomorrow we need to pickup the girls’ school uniforms, new PE shoes for Twin I (she already outgrew *again* her PE shoes that we just bought from Decathlon), pick up their Kumon sheets, and let’s see where else we can go to…


Pizza for dinner. Photo by

I am thinking twice about going to S.Korea this October. A lot of people I know now have Covid and the cases are rising exponentially again. The girls said their dad has Covid since his sister and her entire family caught it on their way back from Switzerland.

Data from the Department of Health.

Some friends and colleagues abroad are sick with Covid. My cousin in Ireland and her husband got hit, too.

Data from the DOH

The positivity rate does not tell the whole picture because a lot of people I know just used antigen test kits at home so these positive cases via antigen don’t get reported to DOH as they just elect to self-isolate.

Today just broke me.

Too many things going on and this added to my busy-ness. I was uploading a digest, I had to chase after a deal that I had been after for months years will soon be announced (either tomorrow or early next week). At the same time, I am tracking some news across the region, which my team and I are trying to piece together. And on top of that I was editing three stories at the same time…To my annoyance these were badly written ones, with missing context or ownership structures are not explained well, details missing, etc. It really tested my patience.

On top of this, I was having an argument with our company database keeper in London. I told her we cannot have the UK entity of the global company that is based in Luxembourg to represent the whole group because that is just the UK entity. The one who made the deal is not the UK entity but the Asia one and since we don’t have the proper company record for the Asian entity of the private equity firm, we must use the global one, which is the Luxembourg one. BUT NHOOOOOOOO! These guys in our London office are UK-centric—thinking that the world revolves around them—so we must use the UK entity. WHAT THE FUCK?! The funds used in the deal are Asia-specific funds, therefore, using the UK entity, with its own UK-EU funds, is legally wrong. Why can’t they understand that???

My boss in our Seoul office said I shouldn’t reply anymore because it was not going anywhere. I replied that I no longer have the energy to do so, yeah I will let it end there. And if the global entity sues, I will show them the long email thread of our argument.

By 4 pm I was so exhausted that I fell asleep despite drinking teh tarik. Caffeine was not enough to keep me alive. I woke up 2 hrs after and ordered pizza for dinner.

I think a beach trip is in order.