Anxiety is eating me alive right now. I constantly have to monitor Twin A for pain and signs of fever. I also have to measure her abdomen regulary to make sure it’s not getting bigger until our check up next week. I need to have her blood test done to monitor her uric acid level but they forgot to give me the doctor’s order for that. 🤦🏻♀️

I haven’t fully stepped back into my regular rhythm. It’s kinda hard when you have had a big shock to your system. I don’t know how to function normally yet since my body just wants to shut down and rest.
Then there are the repairs. My contractor hasn’t sent his people back yet because it seems like the leak is not coming from the bidet spray but it’s from the pipe itself. Same thing with the lavatory, there might be some kind of leak seeping through the walls because my cabinet under the lavatory has grown mushrooms. Yes, literal mushrooms. It’s another cause for my anxiety. I mean, this is a new build so why am I having this kind of problems at this very early stage?!
I guess the culprit is our water booster. The pressure was just too much that my shower heater gave up and started leaking because one of the o-rings inside broke. Then my expensive bidet spray also broke, the head couldn’t contain the water so it started leaking as well while we were away. My sister bought a new one to replace my newish spray but that also broke despite adjusting the psi of the water pressure booster. When I got back, I bought another expensive spray but still the leak didn’t stop.

I want to shut down for a bit…
But I can’t.