
I always love watching actors talk about their process, the art of acting, the craft… And this roundtable is about vulnerability. It’s great that Ke Huy Quan set the tone of this interview and it was very apt that it ended with him as well.

But what’s surprising to me is Jeremy Pope. I never knew anything about him before this roundtable but he gave me the most important nugget of wisdom in this episode. He was talking about his conversation with his therapist, telling her about his really high highs and really low lows. He told her, I just want to be steady, in the middle. I just want to be chill, he said. You know what his therapist’s reply was? She likened it to a heart hooked to a monitor.

Jeremy, when you say you want steady, that means you’ve flatlined.”

That struck me. What Jeremy is saying is, life is about the highs and the lows. The moment you remain steady, that means you’re dead. Life is not about avoiding the highs and lows but rather it’s abou confronting a combination of those highs and lows and surviving these.

That was beautiful.

It reminded me of the line in the Googoo Dolls song Iris: “Yeah, you bleed just to know you’re alive.”

This roundtable brings me back to the documentary about John Cazale, the actor who played Fredo in The Godfather.

I keep coming back to this documentary when I want to feed my soul with the art of acting. This taught me why Fredo, despite his incompetence and disloyalty, you still felt sorry for him instead of being angry or annoyed with him. You feel more sympathy for him than for tough Sonny, when the latter was ambushed and died of multiple gunshot wounds. John Cazale made Fredo vulnerable through his subtle but great acting.

The minutiae. The control. The words that were never spoken but are still palpable as they hang heavily around the scene.

That scene with Michael with Fredo in that armchair, talking about being bypassed by their father, Don Vito Corleone, was an example of how not to overact in a very charged scene. 👌Instead of standing and confront Al Pacino on the same physical level, John Cazale chose to be in that armchair, signifying his degraded status, using it to prop his quivering body that was so tense with repressed anger. Even Francis Ford Coppola said he didn’t know what to expect from John Cazale; he brings his own weapons to the set.

Vulnerability. It’s difficult to portray without overdoing it. It’s the hardest thing to show without dialogues, without the hysterics. It forces the actor to dig within his soul so that the vulnerability is reflected in his eyes, the small shaking of hands, the inflection in the voice.

The instinct of every person in this planet is to hide our vulnerabilities, because in the animal kingdom that would mean life and death or the next meal of a predator. That’s why cats do not show their bellies when they feel unsafe. They curl and hide every part of their bodies. They stuff themselves into the smallest box or hole.

In a way, a lot of artists do that. We hide away and tuck ourselves in some hovel or faraway cottage, to hide our vulnerabilities because we can easily be eviscerated. But then, it is our nature as well to bring out our vulnerabilities in our art—be it in writing, acting, singing, playing an instrument, or painting. We expose ourselves because there is this inexplicable desire to express those: to be seen, read, or heard. Because we can’t forever live inside our heads.

Because we have this need to connect.

Art is a means to connect, be it with other creatures or with the environment. We tell stories to each other. As I wrote yesterday, drawing was a way for me to convey to my friends I was not fine but I couldn’t find the words to tell them that.

Actors become actors because they want to tell a story. Their life experiences are tools that they carry in their sleeves to tell that story, so in a way the actors themselves are lending their personal stories to craft the story.

How I wish I could talk to somebody now about art, on this level, and not just write in on paper.

No adulting today

I just cooked spaghetti in white sauce for brunch and did the usual cat chores. That’s it. I napped. I just wanted to be brainless.

I didn’t want to be an adult today. My brain was fried yesterday and I didn’t want to think too much or exert effort.

Ate dinner at a Korean grocery store.

I still refused to be an adult so I decided to just have bibimbap at Bulgogi Garden along Kalayaan Ave. They have closed down the barbecue restaurant above the grocery store and they just serve the fast dishes within the store premises. Twin A just stayed at home because she didn’t want to change out of her house clothes.

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My bibimbap is much better than this, to be honest. My gochujang-based sauce is spicier than this. 😑 If tomorrow my mood improves, I will try to make gyudon.

It was just supposed to be an uneventful day but then I saw on my IG feeds the year-ago post I did. It was about the three ginger kittens we found here in the compund and have successfully found adoptive families.

Then it struck me: It was exactly a year ago today when I received a painting from J and learned about the truth that I had been suspecting all along. It was exactly a year ago today that I almost had another breakdown because of that. It was a good thing that I was already in therapy when that happened.

Because of the excruciating pain, I was bereft of words and the only way to express it was through drawing. I couldn’t sleep. I was figuratively bleeding internally but there was no way I could make myself rest and stem the bleeding. My hands needed to do something. Then I just found myself drawing the image from my PC’s wallpaper. My drawing was perfect in the sense that it captured what I was feeling. I struggled to find the words but my hands found a way to tell my friends that I was already dying inside.

Art and photo by

Because I hurt so much, I rediscovered that lost skill I had when I was in high school. I had to die to make my art live again.

That episode a year ago also pushed me to make my plan of building a small home a reality.

I’ve come a long way from 4 Feb 2022, when I got triggered and had anxiety attacks. When I was in my car, screaming at my friend on my phone, telling her about all the truth I had confirmed. I was having palpitations, I was blacking out with rage while I was screaming at her.

She said, screaming back at me, “You are still a whole person. You are still you. Don’t you ever, ever forget about that!”

I wrote last year that it would be the last time I would cry over that person. I still haven’t and I will forever keep that promise.

I had taken down his colored-marker drawing of Istanbul that same day. I told myself, I will make my own art that I will hang on my walls.

I’m still keeping that promise as well.

I had drawn these in 1993, when I was 14 years old. Art and photo by



I didn’t do what I set out to do, like start and finish a feature story that our Japan team is supposed to promote next week. I was drowning in hiring issues (interviews with candidates ate up a lot of my time, too). Then I had to help out in inviting courting executives of Southeast Asian conglomerates (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Singapore) to speak in our upcoming conference🫠As this is a flagship event that is under my region, I am conscripted to do this.

To make matters worse, I was editing until almost 8 pm since an editor in London didn’t want to deal with a story that one of their reporters wrote… And after I labored over this badly written one, the journo didn’t have the courtesy of sending back the story with proper revisions. These guys really look down on us here in Asia, thinking that we have zero English journalism skills. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I just… melted. 🫠🫠🫠🫠

To rest my brain, I translated to piano a Breaking Benjamin song and kept playing it until the weariness lifted from me.

My kids are sick. I’m tired.

I don’t want to adult tomorrow.

Change of scenery

Oh hello, Maria. Photo by

Mission accomplished. I finally applied for water connection this morning and the utility company’s engineering team went to my house in the afternoon to arrange the right of way issues. Once that’s out of the way by tomorrow and after I paid for the connection fee and bond, my house will be connected to the mains.

Now, next on the agenda is Converge connection. I already told their corp comm head about my intention to transfer my account from here in QC to my new house. HOWEVER, I still can’t do it because I’m still using my line here. Oh well, let’s see how that could that be arranged…

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After the darkness of my current bathroom, my new bathroom seems very bright. My current water heater is still perfectly fine so I will pull it out of this apartment and transfer it here instead of buying a new one.

Cleaning up the floor tile.

I opted to keep the original tiles, to mimic Vigan tiles of the old houses there. Plus these are very durable so I don’t need to worry about dinging it–or worse, cracking it–like when you have the shiny porcelain ones. The girls’ loft beds will arrive on the 22nd so hopefully by then I will have an idea of how much space will be left for the storage system I will be buying from Ikea for their room.

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Only a few days more before the kitchen cabinets are done.

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They will start with the welding works next week so this house will be inaccessible for quite a bit since they will remove the old staircase and manufacture a new industrial- sttength one. After that, I can start moving the books and the kitchen stuff that we don’t normally use.

Tea break. Photo by

After finishing a call and uploading one digest for publication, I walked around for a bit at 5 pm to buy my girls cookies from my favorite pastry shop and hopped to Infinitea. Then I went to the university park for some air and to drink my milk tea in peace.

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My sis-in-law later joined me here and we talked until 8 pm, which was a good time to drive back north (1.5 hrs). The change of scenery has done me good, in the sense that I feel I can write a long article tomorrow.

That’s the thing with writing, if your brain is not ready, then no matter how you try, you can’t really force words to drip out of every orifice of your body. It’s like extracting blood out of stone.

Hopefully, I can finish the story tomorrow because our marketing team in Japan is ready to tweet it next week. Talk about pressure…

Meanwhile, today’s soundtrack is brought to you by Breaking Benjamin. I had been playing it while driving (to and from my hometown) so that I can keep myself awake.

Evil Angel

Hold it together
Birds of a feather
Nothing but lies and crooked wings
I have the answer
Spreading the cancer
You are the faith inside me

Don’t leave me to die here
Help me survive here alone
Don’t remember

Put me to sleep evil angel
Open your wings evil angel

I’m a believer
Nothing could be worse
All these imaginary friends
Hiding betrayal
Driving the nail
Hoping to find a savior

Don’t leave me to die here
Help me survive here alone
Don’t surrender

Put me to sleep evil angel
Open your wings evil angel
Fly over me evil angel
Why can’t I breathe evil angel?

Put me to sleep evil angel
Open your wings evil angel
Fly over me evil angel
Why can’t I breathe evil angel?

This song, Evil Angel, sounds like it’s about substance abuse, which Ben Burnley has written extensively about in some Breaking Benjamin’s songs. He battled alcoholism for a while and he was almost a non-functional alcoholic. His health issues today are a result of his battle with the the bottle. Dear Agony album’s cover was Ben’s brain scan after he was diagnosed with “wet brain” or Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome due to alcohol abuse.

More than the heavy guitar riffs, what attracts me to Breaking Benjamin are the melodies and the relatable words, which echo in your mind especially if you have suffered from depression and substance abuse. Lucky are the people who did not have to suffer such things. They shouldn’t judge because they have no idea how we survivors are able to get out of our hellhole. They have no idea how it is to live without proper sleep for months…in my case, two years. It’s kind of sad that the only respite I had then was Covid.

I first listened to Breaking Benjamin when I still didn’t have kids. Then “I Will Not Bow” became my anthem while I was trying to keep myself together while my girls were battling with life and death in the ICU.

After going through the difficult recent two years, I could relate more to BB’s songs. Thanks to therapy, my faith, and friends, I got past it.

The daily rant

A colleague from another region was messaging me while we were attending one of our regional townhall meetings today, ranting to me about his line manager who doesn’t get what is happening. So he asked me what is really going on. Then that messaging spiraled down from there, to the usual rants about how incompetent the manager is…

So when it was time for Q&A, I asked the global head about travel. “During the presentation earlier, you said TRAVEL. Can you expound on this one? You mean there would be no restrictions on travel in terms of cost?”

The global head said, “I’m not sure what you’re talking about. We didn’t have cost restrictions before. We only had travel restrictions because of Covid. We encourage you to travel if there is a business case, like meeting sources, having our brand out there.”

And that colleague from another region said: Ha! So she doesn’t know that we had budget restrictions.

I wonder who was really keeping me from staying longer in Singapore, which is technically where my office is located, therefore I should be completing all the things I should set out to do whenever I’m there? Who is keeping me from going to Singapore this month so I can meet the sources that my colleague is passing on to me, interview candidates, and do more stories from there?

I have to confront my managers about this in the coming weeks. This shit can’t go on.

I will fight until I have nothing left to fight for. If they didn’t listen to me before and will not listen again to me this time, then it’s time to move on. I’ve been fighting to keep this team afloat despite the difficulties.

I will play this song over and over until I get some kind of enlightenment.

Yeah, Breaking Benjamin has been my voice of encouragement for more than 12 years now.

Some words of wisdom from my social media feeds today.

Hurrah for narcissists! May you destroy more lives in your wake.

Of course I’m being sarcastic. That’s the only thing you can do now after surviving narcissists, right? Being tongue-in-cheek about things that had killed you.

And this post deserves a near-perfect rendition of my favorite song of defiance.

Another Breaking Benjamin song, this time in acoustic.

Food for the heart

I just got off the kitchen literally a few minutes ago. I had sauteed pork cubes for menudo and chucked it in the slow cooker with the tomato sauce mix, fish sauce, chopped tomatoes, bell peppers, snow peas, carrots, and potatoes. Cooking it for at least 8 hours.

That’s food prepared with love for my small family. In the morning they will wake up to the smell of menudo wafting through the air. They will bite into a melt-in-your-mouth meat poured over piping hot white rice.

That’s love.

Because nothing beats a home cooked meal prepared for hours.

I finally—FINALLY—I chipped through my huge to-do list. I was able to finish my car registration for 2023. And finally, I didn’t have to process it for a week, like last year. It only took me an hour today.

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My rants on TV and Twitter last year had made an impact. LTO got its shit together. Doing renewals at the extension office instead of at the Main is wiser since the crowd thins out past 2 pm in the former.

Also helped push out two stories today. I’m so done for the month of January—the longest month of the year. It felt like this month went on and on forever and I had to deal with anxiety over so many things, a big chunk of that is my staffing problems. Although I did get CVs and I will be interviewing two candidates on Friday, I need to get more candidates because don’t just want to hire people because I didn’t have a choice. I need to work my butt off this week and gather more candidates.

Then the other nitty-gritty admin work and other stuff that managers do, like weekly calls with the commercial team, then calls with the bosses from the other side of the globe who suddenly flew to HK and decided, hey, we need to have this call. So I would be up to my neck with calls tomorrow until the evening.

Set up interviews for my stories. Then writing my pending articles before they go stale.

Then I had to ferry my children and their friends to UP Diliman for their picnic tomorrow afternoon.

That’s just all for Wednesday (today).

And Thursday I need to drive to my hometown to apply for a water connection to my house and I have no choice but to work from there and have a pre-interview call with a Singapore company.

OK, breathe.


I don’t have time for myself.

I think I need to work in Makati and meet friends next week. While I love that I no longer have to battle the horrendous traffic everyday, the isolation from the hum of business is driving me mad. I told my fairy gaymother, K, that we need to have dinner with our friends as I would be giving away bookmarks.

He said, why don’t you sell them?

Are you insane?! I’m not good and there are amazing artists on Instagram and Etsy doing just that. I feel like a scammer next to them, I told him.

I need to draw everyday to improve but I barely have time for that.

A friend just sent me this through FB Messenger a few hours ago:

Flowers (Miley Cyrus)

We were good, we were gold
Kinda dream that can’t be sold
We were right ’til we weren’t
Built a home and watched it burn

Mm, I didn’t wanna leave you
I didn’t wanna lie
Started to cry but then remembered I

I can buy myself flowers
Write my name in the sand
Talk to myself for hours
Say things you don’t understand
I can take myself dancing
And I can hold my own hand
Yeah, I can love me better than you can

Can love me better
I can love me better, baby
Can love me better
I can love me better, baby

Paint my nails, cherry red
Match the roses that you left
No remorse, no regret
I forgive every word you said

Ooh, I did not wanna leave you, baby
I didn’t wanna fight
Started to cry but then remembered I

I can buy myself flowers
Write my name in the sand
Talk to myself for hours, yeah
Say things you don’t understand
I can take myself dancing, yeah
I can hold my own hand
Yeah, I can love me better than you can

Can love me better
I can love me better, baby
Can love me better
I can love me better, baby
Can love me better
I can love me better, baby
Can love me better
Oh, I

I did not wanna leave you
I didn’t wanna fight
Started to cry but then remembered I

I can buy myself flowers (oh)
Write my name in the sand (mmh)
Talk to myself for hours (yeah)
Say things you don’t understand (never will)
I can take myself dancing, yeah
I can hold my own hand
Yeah, I can love me better than
Yeah, I can love me better than you can

Can love me better
I can love me better, baby (oh)
Can love me better
I can love me better (than you can), baby
Can love me better
I can love me better, baby
Can love me better

I told her, it’s a struggle and it requires a steep learning curve. I’ve been working at this for the past two years. Self-love requires a massive dose of self-confidence as well. As I said a few days ago, the little wins I had can quickly be eroded by insecurity and self-doubt. But hopefully I will be as solid as a rock and won’t have to deal with momentary vulnerability like that.

I just have to teach myself how to be numb and just work on being a superwoman.