Protect yourself at all costs

This is just a snippet. Whole documentary is on ABC. Click the link below.

The whole story here on ABC.

The most vulnerable to homelessness are women who aren’t financially literate. Even high fliers can fall and become homeless, like Glen-marie here. This is what I’ve learned early on in life. My mom taught me that for every 1,000 I earn, I should sock away 100. Whatever I have saved would tide me by in an emergency or would let me walk away from a crappy job.

That was the thing I did, even in my first job out of college.

I tried to learn about investing and be wise with my money. I tried to earn extra from writing and editing gigs to selling stuff on ebay.

When I was at the bottom, just scraping by during the lowest point in my life, I realized that I was in a very vulnerable position. In an instant, I can be homeless and my kids and I would be scrambling for a place to go and be uprooted in a snap. If I lost my job, that’s it, I’m done.

So with all the willpower left in me, I built a tiny house. This ensures that even if I lose my job or I fall ill, I still have a roof over my head.

Glen-marie and many others like her weren’t prepared. They relied on men to handle finances; they didn’t protect themselves. This financial illiteracy is also the number one cause why women can’t walk away from abusive relationships. They are not financially independent.

It’s scary to be insecure like that, having no savings as a buffer for life’s unexected turns.

Speaking of independence, the divorce bill has been approved at the Lower House. It just needs to hurdle the second/third reading at the Senate before a bicameral conference and hopefully it will not be watered down on the floor deliberations.

This would free me from so much burden that comes with annulment. Going to court and wasting time to appear in hearings like a criminal… Annulment is just too taxing, too expensive, too anti-women.

Oh please, please, please let divorce be finally legal here.

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