I saw a sea turtle!

Glorious sunset! Anilao, Mabini, Batangas. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

It has been sooooooo long since I went freediving. I missed it so much. I haven’t exercised my lungs by this much in a long time. I looooove my long fins. I love going deeper and swimming with sea turtles. I think there were two in our resort’s house reef.

Photo by CallMeCreation.com

I must do this regularly now I have finished moving house and we’re settled in. I’m not flying out every month so I have more time for hobbies.

We must do this more often now.

Tomorrow we will be diving near Sombrero Island and Sepoc beach. I must practice going deeper.

I love the sea. How I missed you. ❤️

I own this now.

I’m now in the dark, in this hammock, listening to my beach playlist and dreaming away the night. ❤️

Awwwww. I destroyed my smart watch. I didn’t realize I was diving deep. It probably wasn’t able to take the pressure so now it’s no longer turning on. 😕 It’s water resistant because it has a swimming function and measures laps and calories expended.

RIP Oppo Watch. 💔