We had a veterinarian do a home visit yesterday early evening so my nephew’s cat can be neutered and our stray mommy cat, Ampon, can be spayed without so much fuss.

The vet was quick but very precise in her procedure. She is very adept at doing surgery on animals outdoors since her day job is being a vet to large animals—cattle to be precise. Spaying and neutering small animals are just her advocacy. She’s the go-to vet of the local volunteer group that takes care of stray animals in the university campus.

She showed me that she took out the uterus and ovaries so that the hormones that make female cats horny would be out too.
And no, I’m not squeamish. I would have been a vet, too, if I were not too in love with writing.

The vet told me Ampon’s uterus is long and weak—meaning she may already have been pregnant before. She also said her gums are pale so she needs supplements like Vit C. This is why her kittens have the sniffles, therefore they need supplements, too.
She prescribed me a topical dewormer/anti-parasitic medicine that covers all kinds of parasites that I need to apply on Ampon every month and to my own indoor cats every 3 months.
She said she started doing this service during the pandemic, when she felt lonely because her walks on the way home from the carabao center, where her day job is, was very isolating. She was already volunteering to neuter/spay her friends’ pets and stray animals and word spread about her work. Now most areas in and around the university are under her care, for minimal profit. Emergency treatment/surgery of strays are almost always pro bono.
I hope she doesn’t get tired of doing this because the cat population in our area really exploded.
I need to order that anti-parasitic med online…

Kitties are fine after spending the night without their mama. I had Ampon locked up in a cat carrier overnight because she was just groggy. The vet said it’s better if she doesn’t nurse until the next morning or else the kittens would get sedated as well.
The kitties were just hissing and scratching at one another when I woke up at 5 am. I don’t know what happened. They were even hostile to their mama when I released her this morning. Ampon was just so patient with them and let their pent-up fury get spent. By noon, everything was well.