And that’s the reality, folks. Some rich adventurers who dived into their doom get so much attention and support from the world and yet those who get lost in the sea because conditions back home are so bad that they risk dying in open sea don’t get help. Both tragedies happened at the same time.
Anyway, at this point there are no survivors since in theory their oxygen has run out hours ago. Hopefully, they didn’t have to suffer and it was instantaneous. I don’t know if it’s better to have gone when it imploded due to pressure or I die slowly and choke because I no longer have oxygen.
When I go freediving, I could already feel the pressure in my ears and we’re not even talking about several hundred feet…at 15 ft you could already feel it. At 375 atmospheres…
I think because this thing is so macabre that’s why the world is fascinated with this story. It’s like a well-publicized assisted suicide.
I don’t know how I feel about the whole thing. But the whole media circus touches the raw part of me that is scared of dark depths so it kind of creeps me out. My freediving is my way of confronting this fear but then, what is happening/happened to Titan is raising my fears again.
This is also like the feeling I got when I read Edgar Allan Poe’s The Cask of Amontillado.
UPDATE: It is instantaneous.
I was unproductive today. I wasn’t able to work because I just slept most of the day. I might have caught a nasty bug from Twin I, who in turn caught it from her younger cousin, L.
I will sleep for a few hours and let’s see what daylight brings later today. I was supposed to process yesterday at noon the conversation I had with L last Monday but I fell asleep as I was attempting to type it into an update of yesterday’s blog entry.
Hopefully, I would feel better later today.
No, I feel worse. It’s making editing today difficult because that job requires a lot of brain power. I’m brainless today. However, I need to go grocery shopping later tonight because my fridge is empty.
I’m too sick to do that either.
Since my fridge is empty and we’re too sick to go out for dinner or even collect FoodPanda or Grab at the gate, I resorted to making weird food out of stuff left in my house.

I think I’m going to have a fever later. Oh dear.