Day-long meeting

Lighted up acacia tree in front of the Student Union building. Photo by

I met with our water concessionaire’s shareholder (company AVP) and the OIC GM of our water concessionaire today. Because of my advocacy and continuous fight, the shareholder company was forced to change the management and suspended the 🤬 top officials until investigations are finished and proper charges are filed.

We met before 10 am at their corporate office and then I toured them around to show them the areas that are experiencing low pressure, mud coming out of their faucets, etc.

I told them that they have a reputational issue with the customers that’s why they’re still coming to me for complaints and are not going straight to them. Even though they are now fixing the shit left by previous management, the people still don’t know about it and thus they need a proper comms person to fill that gap–a proper community relations manager.

I recommened to them the steps that they should do, how to tap the local government units (barangay officials and their facilities) to conduct focus group discussions and needs assessment from these engagements. Monitoring and evaluation of information campaigns. I said that people should be properly informed and the knowledge is correct so that when the time comes the water concessionaire files a petition for tariff adjustment to help finance the network upgrade and other capex needs, we the customers will not be up in arms. I also told them they should take advantage of the local media in their information campaign by engaging with them.

They asked me to help in looking for a comms consultant to help them with that. I’m waiting now for a text message from a schoolmate so I can discuss with her this headhunting chore.

We parted ways at 3 pm. It was a long day.

My kids, on the other hand, went to a nearby city in the south to have early dinner in a bed and breakfast/art gallery with my sister and their cousin Kuya P. They sent me lots of photos.

Twin I looking at the exhibit.
One of the dining areas
Another dining area

Meanwhile, I went to the semester ender Christmas bazaar inside our university campus.

Students are up and about before they go back home for the holidays. Photo by

I have all windows open right now to feel the cool December provincial breeze. I will leave tomorrow evening to be with my cats.