Third day. I’m drained. Now I know I’ve become an introvert. The presence of so many people saps the life out of me. I had been nodding off to sleep while listening to panel discussions.
Although I was able to network, I just didn’t have enough energy to meet more people today. I was just cherry-picking. Then came the townhall meeting for all staff and I really didn’t understand what that was all about. It was at 4-5 pm, my brain refused to function anymore.
Then I had to face more people again because we had networking cocktails then gala dinner. Halfway through the cocktails event, I finally gave up and sat in a corner and called my girls to check up on them. Good thing the gala dinner was so full that they didn’t have seats for staff. Perfect! I had valid excuse to leave work.
So my colleague and I left to have dinner at some Vietnamese resto at Orchard. And it was a sad dinner for me because she was telling me about the new company she will be working for and what the job entailed. I’m losing my best reporter and I can’t do anything about it. 💔
I don’t have the energy to expound.
I’m so alone now with this burden.