So the whole day I was just bogged down by local water concerns. It has been the 5th day since water was out in my hometown. The service provider, LXXX, had the temerity to announce on their FB Page that they are on holiday that’s why their office is closed for the long weekend. My family has been scrounging for water sources FOR DAYS! So last night I contacted MPW, which is a 20+% shareholder, via my connections there.
Early morning I was told by MPW that my emails were already sent to the GM of LXXX and other partners in the consortium. The community relations of LXXX, that biatch, was combative and denied that their service is not shit. She demanded evidence. I just told her go look on your FB page and see the complaints since two years ago. She said those people are just emotional and she made it sound like this was a one-off thing. I said no, I lot of people had been complaining to me about the low water pressure and regular disrepair and that’s why many communities don’t have regular water service.
She said I will show you on Saturday evidence to dispute your claims are untrue. I shot back that I will gather evidence of your incompetence since you took over in 2016.
So I rallied people in my hometown to 1) screen cap all the complaints on LXXX FB page because they might erase it; 2) send their testimonies via email to me so I can compile and slap the CX officer’s face with it on Saturday; 3) file a formal complaint to LWUA and the local water district using the testimonies so LXXX could be penalized and 4) regulators could review the concession agreement and terminate it if LXXX is proven that it is not fulfilling its end of the concession agreement.
I told MPW that LXXX was so wrong in their approach with me. Why is the burden of proof with me?! They said they were sorry but they were only 20% stakeholders there and it was the majority owner, some mayor from Mindanao, who appointed the current GM. And guess what? The LXXX person who was combative towards me is the GM’s wife. WHICH IS TOTALLY WRONG! I told Metro Pacific that it’s nepotism, 2) this person should not handle community affairs because she has a personal stake because her husband is the GM. Metro Pacific told me that they were surprised, too, and they only learned about it this morning.
There are so many confidential info I got that I cannot blog about yet but I’ve got something on my sleeves on Saturday.
Let’s just say I have regulatory remedy on my side.
And I also told LXXX that I will present my evidence to MPW during their presscon next week and I will make sure that their chairman reads the compiled complaints against LXXX.
And of course I will tell them after Saturday that this will be filed with the regulators. I am a one-man team but OMG I will make sure heads will roll.
There are other details that I don’t have the energy yet to write here. I’M SO FUCKIN TIRED.
I need to draft three stories tomorrow.
I hate incompetence. God help me on Saturday.