I arrived early at the conference today because 1) I wanted to do ambush interviews so I can go home and avoid Marcos; 2) I didn’t read the program 😂
I really did it. I wore pink accessories in silent protest. The Leni R watch was very obvious.

I had four interviews, four stories, and a follow-up interview. Not bad.
I left the venue right after lunch so I won’t have to suffer Marcos.
Went to Ikea to 1) eat at the cafe and write my stories; 2) buy household stuff that I neglected to buy a long time ago. Their shipping rate of PHP 300 for small items is too much so might as well go there when I have coverage nearby. I almost carted off a kitchen sink and ceiling lamps 🤣. I need to check first with my contractor.

It took more than an hour to get home. Geez.
Twin I’s results came back: Bilateral ethmoid sinusitis. Congested nasal turbinates.
The pediatrician already gave me Rx for it yesterday, as she anticipated.
What’s curious is that Twin I also has aplastic left frontal sinus, which I hope is just a developmental issue that will correct over time. But then I have to wait for what the doctor will say. The rest of her sinuses are intact, the report said.
Her hematology results are normal except for her RBC count, which is above normal. If I got it right, she couldn’t breathe, hence the low O2 level. Which could be traced to her congested nose.
Her prothrombin time test is normal, so blood clotting is normal. Her nose bleeding could be traced back to her undetected sinusitis that irritates her nose and causes too much mucus production. When it dries up, my girl picks her nose vigorously and there you go—bleeding. 😑 So just like the pediatrician said, her membranes might be thinner than normal.
Tired. Need to pick up Rockwool insulation/soundproofing tomorrow and deliver to the construction site. And write two more stories before I bounce off to my week-long vacation.