
I don’t feel good right now. An article I had labored over is being questioned by a guy who has been in this job only for a year. 🙄

I’m tired because I had been editing until 7:45 pm. My brain is already fried. Then I get an email from somebody in New York about the wisdom of the story I wrote.

Just like last night, I was disturbed by an editor who asked me “do we publish this kind of stories?” I said yes, since the time I joined in 2014. I was hired to do this kind of stories because there’s plenty of this in my market and no one specializes in it.

I just want to scream.

Maybe I need to rest. Like rest for a long, long time.

My boss just sent us our numbers for 3Q22 and I’m on the top 3 most productive person in APAC. No wonder I’m so tired.

I was trying to hug my cats but those critters are useless as emotional supprt animals 😑

Kimchi being a pompous ass here after running away from me. Photo by

My kids hugged me but they’re too busy with their own stuff. I didn’t tell them that I just needed some affection because everything went bad today. It’s not good to burden them with my emotional needs. That’s not what my kids are for. Children who are made to shoulder the happiness of their parent/s become broken human beings.

I just have to hug myself today.

I have 100 things on my to-do list but I couldn’t strike off any of them because I no longer have the energy to do them.

Out of whack hormones and sheer exhaustion, this is all what it is. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

I will just cry tonight. I just don’t know why I have to but it will make me feel better.