The hermitess is out

Indulgence at Starbucks 32nd Street, BGC. Photo by

I arrived early, about 3 hours before Ayala’s press briefing because I want to savor being out on a not so rainy day. Surprisingly, the traffic was not as bad as I thought it would be. I couldn’t believe I drove from QC to BGC in less than an hour. I guess a lot of people worked from home today.

I stayed in Starbucks near Globe Tower because I just want to hang around the area. It has been a long time since I went out like this and unencumbered by endless stories to edit or stories to rush. I made a few rough sketches while I was sipping my frapuccino.

In a rush because I realized the presscon will start in 30 mins. Art and photo by

This is at the corner of 32nd and 7th Avenues and I have some perspective issues. It has been a long time since I picked up a pencil and drew. I made the sidewalk narrower maybe because my sketchbook is narrow. Hahahaha!

I couldn’t draw inside the coffee shop so I went out the balcony to sketch. Photo by
The company CEO I was targeting today. Photo by

He told me that right after we wrote one story when he answered one of our text messages to him, he got a call from one of the big PEs and…he laughingly said “next time I should just say no comment!” 😂😂😂

All in all, today was pleasant, a sharp contrast to yesterday’s headache-inducing hammering from my manager because of something I couldn’t control.

Coffee, cookies, and a chance to sketch again were all I needed to regain my balance.

Should sleep now because in a few hours I will be driving to my mom’s.