I just ordered stuff via Grab today so we can relax and we can attend to school work and my work. One of my good friends from the industry also sent the girls a cake, matcha strawberry.

Then they spent the rest of the day with their dad, who took them to Estancia Mall in Kapitlyo, Pasig. They came home in time for a shower and straight to bed.
The girls were happy. They’re easy to please and they don’t ask much. They’re happy with their bunnies and my sister offered to have them framed.
Twin I asked about their other twin sisters—the cats. They declared that their birthday is on the 12th of April 2020. So I said, Ok, I’m gonna make their sketches as well.

Laziness has set in today because my body knew that this is supposed to be a week-long holiday…And yet I edited and interviewed somebody from Singapore whom I need to visit when I get there. I also set up an interview on Monday with an aviation company. I think I must draft today’s interview by tomorrow or else I may forget the details after this week. My brain cells are already protesting.
Tomorrow I will cook as my daughters’ friend is coming over.
My call with my new manager and outgoing manager will also be tomorrow for the turnover of duties. I don’t know when they will formally announce the transition so that all communication and PRs should be directed to me from now on. Drats, I just had 400 business cards printed with my old designation.
It takes a long time for paperwork to be settled 🙄
I want to have a week-long break before chaos officially starts.