I wanted to stay in bed longer but I needed to wake up early today to attend to my plants (it was really, really hooooootttttt) and cook brunch for the girls. Boiled quail eggs, onigiri, a bit of bacon and more broccoli.

After my Zoom meeting with the girls’ homeroom teacher who reported on the the quarter-on-quarter progress of my kids, we drove south to Makati to meet my sister-in-law, nephew, and my brother in Glorietta.

That head is Twin A’s; she wanted to hide herself from me by trying to sink under the table. That’s her French toast that she couldn’t finish so it was her twin who finished it for her.

My brother hied to Starbucks to watch movies on his iPad in peace while we went to the National Bookstore sale. Kuya P didn’t find anything interesting to buy while I have yet to finish the books lined up on my shelf in my room. I don’t have any business buying books these days. Plus the selections weren’t good since most were for young adults and children.

Of course boys will be boys. Kuya P went straight to ToyTown because some action figures were on sale. Yep, Gundam. My sis-in-law said her boys keep on building these just to gather dust at home. In a couple of months they will be moving into their new townhouse that they just bought in our hometown. The boys will have more space to display their toys. I told her that they can buy acrylic case for these figures online.
And they spent the remainder of the afternoon playing at Timzone with Kuya P while sis-in-law and I had coffee at another Starbucks near the movie theaters (yes, first time that they opened up the theaters).

The cousins had a great time with each other and Kuya P is asking when can they hang out again. I’m still figuring out when is the best time I could drive back home with the girls so I can meet with another contractor (just for another quote). An alternative is I told them they can stay with us in QC for a night or two one weekend so we can all try the restaurants in Maginhawa.
We all parted at 9 pm tonight.
Because it was so late, we weren’t able to buy cat supplies at Tiendesitas!
Well, that’s the agenda for tomorrow. Probably drop by Greenhills, too, to buy a USB Bluetooth dongle because the internal Bluetooth of this old gaming laptop finally gave up its ghost. Either the latest Windows 10 update killed it or it was really its time to go.
I’m going to have to have another quotation for a build-to-suit desktop computer for me (if I could get a mini-ITX case???) or I’ll see if it’s better to get a gaming laptop with Core i5 or Ryzen 5. But I want to suck the life out of this old gaming laptop so…Maybe I’ll hold off for a bit?
Let’s see what my gut feel says tomorrow.
I couldn’t sleep. So I put my only self-portrait in one of my extra Ikea frames. Et voila! It looks decent even without the lips and nose. I feel like I looked like Voldemort here.

Meanwhile, I fixed the vanishing point problem in this sketch after determining what I can adjust. I thought this was a disaster but my sis in law liked it so it motivated me to find a solution.