Mental health break

My humidifier with water-based oil scent. Photo by

“Mama, why are you not working?” Twin I asked me when she caught me just lounging in my bed at 11 am.

“I’m on a mental health break,” I told her.

It’s true. I didn’t really have a complete “off” from work even in the middle of my Covid delirium. I was always “on” and one of my sources even scolded me for even answering his emails instead of resting when he learned I was sick with Covid. Ahhh, the curse of Type A people.

So today was my complete break from work (yesterday I still had to email a colleague because I spotted an error in our story that was published the previous day). I didn’t answer emails even though one subscriber emailed me early this morning about a request. That can wait. I’ll email back on Monday and he would understand since I had my automatic reply set up, telling people I’m on holiday.

But old habits die hard. I still checked LinkedIn, still answered a chat from a PR who messaged me about an event. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I gotta stop.

I have to be kind to myself. I must detach my identity and self-worth from my job. The world will not fall apart if I ignore work.

So I just lounged around and my intention to go to Makati or have my car go on maintenance check was foiled again by my laziness. I just watched videos and slept. Fatigue is still with me but I kinda accepted it now that I cannot push myself harder and have my usual energy and do a lot of things.

Be kinder to myself. No one’s going to kill me if I didn’t do those things today.