Retail therapy

Productivity motivator. Photo by

I finally pulled the trigger. I bought myself another Lenovo 23.8″ monitor from Lazada, same as the one I bought from Greenhills as a Christmas gift to myself. But it’s cheaper by around PHP 800 I think. I had been stuck in a rut and hadn’t been productive for a week and I fooled myself into thinking that a bigger second monitor will help me unstuck myself. I’m in some kind of funk that I couldn’t fully understand. Maybe I need to take time off from work for a week.

Yeah, I should take a vacation before I would start buying more random shit online again. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Naughty kitty. Photo by

This cat has been climbing my windows via my muslin curtains and then cross the transom to reach the shelf so she can hang out there. Then she reaches for the stuffed toys below with her paws and throws them down to the bed below.

Then the cats get harassed by the kids… The amount of patience these cats have for their two legged siblings ❤️

Kimchi dressed up in my scarf by the kids. Photo by

And then they would mess up my stuff and claim my chair…

That’s my chair! Photo by

And then I wouldn’t have the heart to disturb their sleep…

Ok, I need to file for a vacation leave for next week or the week after that. I can’t go on like this. I would drive to Caliraya Lake and breathe some fresh air.