It has been 60 days since we’ve been on a lockdown. I haven’t ventured beyond Araneta Cubao in the south and Batasan in the north for two months. The first few weeks were hard but we learned to cope.
To help me stay sane, I’ve been cooking a variety of dishes because sawa na ko sa usual luto ko. Plus I need to keep my household healthy by cooking vegetable dishes.
I tried avoiding meat but my children and kasambahay are carnivores so it was difficult to go hardcore.
Anyway, I am restarting this blog by posting this lechon kawali prep. You have to boil the pork for 30 mins with star anise, salt, and peppercorn. Let it cool for a bit. Then freeze. I am thinking of what to do with the broth. 🤔 Maybe some soup with mishua and pechay?
Will let you know how my battle with oil splatters while deep-frying these babies goes.
UPDATE: The next day I thawed the pork, seasoned it with salt and fried it.

But wait, before that, I cut the fat and skin to make chicharon (or pupor as we called it in Batangas). I fried them then let them cool for a bit by putting them in the freezer. After I finished frying the first batch of the lechon kawali, I took out the cooled fat/skin and deep fried them again. Le voilá!

Warning: This is highly addictive but bad for the health.