My friends from my former TV network interviewed me and my kids about some kid-friendly topic yesterday. It will be online next week and it was a fun interview, with my cats in the background making a ruckus like climbing on my chair’s headrest and clawing their way up the curtains that were still holding up despite the abuse. So yeah, my cats are already fine and back to regular programming.

After that, the Internet went out. Good thing we were going to my hometown so I won’t have to deal with it yet.

As last preventive maintenance check, I went to a vulcanizing shop to have my wheels inspected why they’re letting out air. The rims needed grease to seal the rubber around it. Good thing I did that or else I would running on the South Luzon Expressway with a flat tire. So we traveled around less than 2 hrs and when we arrived at my mom’s house, they immediately rode their bikes after I have unfolded them.
Meanwhile, I brought my mom to a thrift store near us to buy a grill and some saucers, just to get her out of the house. Then fixed their router and modem. My kids are loving their time with their cousins. By the way, they’re all boys.
I got home before 8 pm. Still no Internet.
It’s already morning, still no damned Internet and I’ve been speaking to bots on Twitter and FB Messenger to get me a technician to visit our site. This is what you get when your service provider doesn’t prioritize customer service–you get relegated to bots.