Little by little

My home is taking shape, little by little. I will be filling up this wall with paitings to make up for the sparse furnishings.

I’m still figuring out where to put this.

I also made a reading nook/hideaway for my girls in one huge closet in my room.

With a sizeable bookshelf above.

And my girls put up their own wall decorations to personalize their space.

I have all the time in the world to make this apartment my own. No rush. It has to be just right.


It has been months since I last logged in here. So many life-changing events happened all at the same time. All I could do was to go with the flow and never look back. No turning back.

Related to that was my hunt for a liveable apartment near my girls’ school. It was a bit rundown but it had potential. When the landlady fixed it up, it looked promising.

I had requested a light blue paint for the closets. Stupid me, I forgot to give them a sample of the shade I wanted. Now I ended up with a Tiffany egg blue.

Now it is looking more like a home now, little by little.

My workstation is now literally next to my bed.

I have to have better cable management.

The living area looks empty but over time it would look much better. I am not in a hurry to fill it up. I will take my time.

My plan is to fill my home with lots of art.

My sister has promised me a number of paintings to hang on my wall. I am also having this framed to hang in my dining area.

The kitchen is messy. I always envied the minimalist kitchens i always see in Roomclip. I don’t know what to do with mine to achieve that.

I still lack wall clocks.

I bought myself a Bosch drill and some drill bits. I will build my DIY kit slowly over time.

Like I am rebuilding my life. Slowly. I have a lifetime to do that.