Do not catch a falling knife

This was bloodier in the morning.

I was late. I just bought some ETF stocks and mutual fund units three days ago because I completely forgot that the US elections was yesterday (technically two days ago). I thought I was able to buy FMETF cheaply at PHP 14.5 per share but because of the shitshow that was yesterday, that price became expensive given that the PSEi was menstruating today. I didn’t have funds to buy more in time because I emptied my COL account three days ago. And because I was so busy this morning with other things, I forgot to transfer additional funds when the market opened and do some bargain hunting. 🤦🏻‍♀️ FMETF dropped to PHP 11.8 apiece.

I was able to transfer money at noon so I can have some retail therapy by bidding for ETF shares at PHP 11.5 because I’m a greedy biatch. But nope, it went back up at PHP 13.0 and now I have stranded funds in my COL account.

But I think the market already digested the Trump victory and the slower-than-expected GDP growth of the Philippines for 3Q24 that was announced today. I guess another interest rate cut by the BSP is in order after the US Fed has done its bit—a market-anticipated rate cut in the coming days. This unlikely will send share prices to reach the lows of today so I lost that narrow window for market correction. 😑

But now with a Trump victory, we don’t know if it’s still wise of the Feds to do the cut.You see, the King of Tariffs, as he calls himself, will cause imported goods to go up, pushing prices back up in the US. But that’s the least of the US and rest of the world’s worries…

War-monger Trump will not hesitate to light the fires in the Middle East, while Ukraine will completely be taken over by Russia given the Ugly Orange One’s ties to the Russians. Prices of wheat and cooking oil (rapeseed, etc) that are sourced from Ukraine will go up once again. Ukraine is the seventh largest exporter of wheat and third largest exporter or rapeseed. It’s also a major producer of corn and barley. The Ukraine invasion posed a lot of problems for Monde Nissin when it had to scramble for alternative sources of raw materials for its products. It resisted price increases because Lucky Me noodles is a staple in more than 90% of Filipino homes, cutting across economic classes. That’s how a Trump geopolitical crisis affects countries.

If the Middle East situation worsens because Trump may light a fuse somewhere there, oil prices will again shoot up, hitting net oil importers like the Philippines.

China is also a collateral damage. The world’s second-largest economy is suffering from a protracted economic downturn since its draconian handling of Covid. It hasn’t also recovered from the real estate crisis. A fresh round of economic trade embargos by the US will send its economy hurtling down. Those that have depended on China for exports of commodities (I’m looking at you, Southeast Asia) and durable goods will get hurt.

The situation in the West Philippine Sea and across Taiwan Strait will become more volatile and a real war could erupt under perfect chaotic conditions. Throw Kim Jong-il into the mix—et voila!

One thing is clear: Those who thought or hoped the first Trump term was an aberration were wrong. Overnight, America looks like a different kind of superpower: more isolationist and less predictable. The stakes, from the Middle East and Ukraine to global trade and climate change, could not be higher.

The New York Times

Comfort food on a rainy day and when America shits on itself

Nutty kare-kare on rice. Photo by

I was so busy trying to email people, arranging interviews here and in Singapore that I almost forgot to cook dinner. Good thing I have the InsantPot, I can cook kare-kare in under an hour. That InstantPot and Philips airfryer are the best buys I had for my kitchen. They made my life easier now that it’s just me who does all the cooking.

Speaking of interviews, I just emailed my bosses that I got a free media invite to cover a conference in Singapore in a couple of weeks. It was short notice but I hope they will approve my travel as I also clinched an interview of a CEO of a company I patronize. He agreed to an interview if I fly to Singapore and have the face-to-face interview. He even gave me his WhatsApp. 😁

Keeping my fingers crossed.

Oh ‘Murica!

You might scoff at me and ask, what do I care about the results of the elections in the US?

Well I’m not going to be directly affected by the stupidity of the US electorate but like the rest of the world, we are going to be collateral damage.

I will just write about this tomorrow when my disgust lowers a bit.

Shut up

I now know the best way to avoid skirmishes with my manager: just shut up.

Whatever is asked of me/us, even if I’m asked for an opinion, just shut up. I should not give my comments, my opinions—just keep quiet. I don’t think she is used to dealing with a strong-minded, opinionated person who goes against the grain. I just have to nod my head and say I agree.

Cower like Sushi. (It’s a weird sleeping position) Photo by

Anyway, I had a call with my manager and our APAC head last week (even if I still didn’t have power) about bonuses and contracts. I was asked if I want to transfer to Singapore. I said no, that I’m happy with the current setup. Singapore is too expensive for comfort and it will just cause me a lot of stress. I just need to fly as frequently as needed to do my job well and that’s it.

Well, they haven’t mentioned that I will be replaced as manager for my team for refusing to move to Singapore. I just hope they understand that Singapore is a hostile place financially for a solo parent with a single income stream. I am also not willing to leave my children here while I work there. I don’t want to be an OFW. I’d rather do something else than to part from my children.

Kr, our Philippines correspondent, left her side gig because it was causing her more stress than what the job was worth. The boss/owner is an asshole—a dictator who belittles everyone. She said for what it’s worth, she found that she can do other things and that in order for her to stress less about our boss, she has to channel her energies elsewhere. “The grass isn’t greener on the other side,” she said. She now has more appreciation of what we’re doing/we have now. She said our job doesn’t require us to wake up at 3 am or 4 am just to earn decently and we can have breaks—when markets are closed for the holidays, we’re also entitled to be off from work. Unlike in TV—you’re still on and you still have to wake up before the sun rises so that you would be able to arrive on time at the studio to do your morning show.

I realized that God is telling me to stay a bit more because none of the plans I’ve been hatching are going into fruition. The jobs I’ve been applying for are not panning out. 🤔 I wonder if there’s something big going to happen that’s why the message is to keep still. 🙃

And I dreamt of him…

I woke up at past midnight after dreaming about my father. I can’t remember what it was exactly but it might have been about him checking out something that I’ve done or DIY-ed. Was it a project? Was it my house? I can’t remember now but I have traces of warm fuzzy feelings from that encounter.

Todos los santos and dia de todas los almas (All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day) have passed and I haven’t visited my father’s columbarium. But I did buy a bouquet of flowers and extra fat/large candles for him that my mom brought. Maybe I just dreamt about him because of this guilty feeling. You see, the observation of these holidays, especially All Souls’ Day, is about praying for the souls of the loved ones who are stuck in purgatory. I don’t believe in purgatory—it’s a Catholic construct and even when I was still Catholic, I questioned this concept.

Image of a fiery purgatory by Ludovico Carracci. Top: Christ directing, with Mary and interceding saints. Middle: Angel showing a soul the intercessors. Bottom: souls being purged with various attitudes. Wikipedia

Purgatory was invented so that the church can raise money for the Crusades. The church sells indulgences so that essentially “buys out” the soul of your loved ones stuck in purgatory. Martin Luther, a monk, said this exploited the poor. The selling of indulgences is a source of so much corruption in the Catholic church and this sparked the revolt within the church, hence, the protests = protestants. The number one thesis of Luther is salvation is achieved by faith alone, not by good works, not by buying your way out of purgatory—that is not biblical anyway.

  • Ephesians 2:8“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. “

But I still observe All Souls’ Day for the remembrance aspect. It’s more for my benefit—and for the benefit of my children who didn’t meet my father. I have already been comforted by the fact that people saw that he went to church the morning he died, which was unusual. After he got sick (massive heart attack that made him weak), he stopped going to church physically. He didn’t want people who knew him to pity him when they saw him in that state. So he would just hear mass by our gate since our house is literally spitting distance from church.

But that morning was different. He scrounged through our clean laundry that were for ironing and took out his favorite red and white striped shirt, took several of our handkerchiefs, folded them, and stuffed them in his back pocket. He went to church to attend the first mass of the day at 6 am, cooked breakfast for him and my brother, took a nap and never woke up.

How did I know about what he did moments before he died? I was the second child to have arrived home and the house was still as it was when he left. The clean laundry for ironing was located in my room and I saw he rummaged through it and he didn’t put it back. When I checked his clothes that he had hung on the back of the door in his room, I saw he had worn his favorite shirt and in his back pocket were our handkerchiefs with his. He took a part of us when he went to church, maybe, to ask God for salvation because he knew it was time.

That’s how I knew my father is not in purgatory or anywhere else.

Life goes back to normal

I’ve been doing laundry for three days. My cleaning lady did not come yesterday because of the Todos Los Santos holiday and my kids’ uniform needed to be washed before she ironed them today.

Laundry duties. Photo by

I have already gathered and folded several batches of clean laundry to make room for the new ones I had been hanging since midday Wednesday. I did that in-between edits, which helped me to clear my head.

I surveyed my surroundings and saw that my cleaning lady didn’t have to do any yard work anymore since everything has been taken care of after the bitch Kristine has left.

This rambutan tree is probably dead, no? Photo by
The lone pomelo fruit hanging on to dear life. Photo by

I still have fruit trees. One rambutan tree looks like it died after going bald after Typhoon Kristine. The avocado tree is leaning dangerously lower; it was almost uprooted. I must have it adjusted with some kind of support to keep it upright.

Replenishing my supplies. Photo by

Yes, I buy 8 kg of cat food. I feed too many cats.

I had cleaned out the contents of my fridge and now I had to replenish it. I’m almost afraid of buying too much meat again in case another horrible typhoon hits us again and leave us without power for a week. And it seems like there’s another big one coming…

You know you’re getting old…

… when you get giddy about household items you just purchased, just like this pink kettle I bought from Lazada.

I had to buy it. Photo by

While we were without power for almost a week, I realized that I can’t continue boiling water using pots/casseroles. I already burned myself by spilling scalding water because the pots don’t have spouts. I had been dependent on my electric kettle to boil water for coffee and tea for years and I never found any use for the stovetop kettle.

Now I do. I bought a cute one so I can just leave it on the stove and not bother getting it out of sight. More frequent strong typhoons are the norm and this is not going to be the last time we will be out of power for an extended time. We have yet to recover from that bitch Kristine/Trami, and here we are, facing another disaster…

We have now a supertyphoon barreling its way to Taiwan. Signal # 5 is hoisted over Batanes and Typhoon Leon/KongRey is not even going to land in the Batanes/Babuyan group of islands.

A very clear and big eye.

The eye of the typhoon is big and clear—an indication of the strength and speed of the winds that KongRey is bringing. Typhoon Haiyan, which I covered for my former media outfit in 2013, had a very clear eye but KongRey’s eye is bigger.

Courtesy of Wikipedia

Haiyan/Yolanda = 315 kph winds

KongRey/Leon = 240 kph winds

From JMA.

Now that Typhoo KongRey has made landfall in Taiwan, it has lost the eye, so likely it has slightly weakened.