And now we wait… and it didn’t come 👏👏👏

Pepito/Man-yi has become a Cat 5 supertyphoon before it landed on Catanduanes. Bicol region, which is still reeling from that bitch Kristine, is bracing for Pepito.

It’s deceptively calm here but chaos is estimated to arrive here in the morning as Pepito crosses Luzon. I decided not to hitch with my sister tomorrow and to go with the original plan of going to the airport on Monday at 1 am. Pepito would have been in Pangasinan by then.

After arriving from Holiday Inn this afternoon, I took a nap in my room. I told my girls to just have dinner at their grandma’s house because I was so tired. I thought it was a nap. I just found myself waking up at 12:30 am.

Now I can’t go back to sleep. 😩

May this inspire me to start the garden and stop being lazy.

It was clear by 1 pm that the worst was over. There were gusts of wind blowing here but it was just for an hour and the typhoon made its way up north. Typhoon Pepito landed on Baler, Aurora then got torn apart by Sierra Madre. Hopefully the Cat 5 status was slowed down to spare Central and Northern Luzon. We’re so tired of typhoons. Four strong typhoons back-to-back just this November.

At 10 am I braved the community market because I wanted to buy 750g of fresh yogurt to make lassi. I also bought pita bread and hummus for breakfast.

Pita, hummus and lassi. Photo by

My girls liked them so much that they ignored the nilagang baboy (stewed pork) I cooked for them. 😑

I’m not yet done packing. Photo by

Finally pulled the trigger

The Bluetti AC70 power station. Photo by

Typhoon Kristine left us without power for a week. That was so difficult because the nights are muggy right after a typhoon and sleeping without an electric fan is a struggle. So I pulled the trigger and finally bought this Bluetti power station. I chased the 11.11 sale and before Typhoon Pepito arrives within the Philippine Area of Responsibility.

Charging using the power outlet. Photo by

I’ve charged it via AC/power grid but I can charge it via solar panels, which is critical when we have no power for extended periods. It can also do pass though charging, meaning we can use this battery while it is charging—useful when we’re totally off-grid because of typhoons or when we go camping.

Its capacity is 1,000W so that means if I use my Acerpure air circulator, which has a max power consumption of 36W (almost half of the 60W-70W consumption of normal fans we have in the market), my girls can sleep comfortably with the fan running for the entire night. We can still charge our phones and power the modem at the same time.

It also has a mobile app where we can monitor the charging and discharging of the power station.

On the app, I can see that it is charging via the grid.

When the battery got full, I plugged the Acerpure fan to see how much power will be used and how long will the battery power the fan. I slept without aircon last night for this test.

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Well, well, well. The battery was still 88% after 9 hrs.

The Acerpure fan was only consuming 20 watts if set at 10 and 60 degrees for head’s horizontal swing.

Then I tested the solar panels and charged the battery on my balcony.

Photo by

The charging was slow because it wasn’t facing the rising sun. So I changed the direction.

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Still wasn’t enough. We’re almost near the winter solstice so the sunrise was off, or my balcony was off. The best place to put these PV panels is outside my window, at the fire exit then feed the battery in my room, away from direct sunlight. So far, I’m satisfied with the product and I’m hoping my kids don’t have to use it in my absence.

And I drove for almost 6 hrs. 😭

Traffic was so horrible because it’s a payday Friday. This is also the day when many have received their Christmas bonuses.

I finally arrived at the party venue. I  left my kids at the mall beside the hotel so they can get busy entertaining themselves.

The Great Gatsby party.

I didn’t chase sources tonight, I was just there to wear a costume. Because why not? Have fun and be merry.

It’s getting f*cked up

Three typhoons rolling onto the Philippines in just a matter of days.

Typhoon Ofel is going to land on Cagayan tonight but Pepito will be wreaking havoc in Bicol on Sunday, Southern Luzon and Metro Manila by Monday. This is problematic for me because I can’t be driving through a potential Cat 4 or 5 typhoon on Monday at 1 or 2 am. My tickets and hotel bookings are non-refundable and my company is not going to reimburse me for a trip that I haven’t taken.

The path could still go lower because of the HPA in the north that could push it down further.

My sister is flying to Greece on Sunday and she will be driven by my mom’s driver to the airport on Sunday afternoon. I figured it will be better for me to hitch with her and just book Go Hotel along Airport Road so I don’t have to battle my way through a typhoon along SLEX. I need all the sleep I can get because straight from Changi I will be heading to my first meeting of the week at Suntec. Yes, dragging my luggage and all that.

So I pulled the trigger because we will be hit by another typhoon: I finally bought the Bluetti power station with solar panels.

I’m still waiting for this one.
The solar panels arrived separately. I have yet to open the package.

I’m still waiting for the battery to arrive but at least I would be able to test it and teach my girls how to use it and charge it before I leave. My guilt for leaving them while they’re going to be battered by another typhoon would be eased upon knowing they have back up power to sustain them (modem, electric fan, charging stations for cellphones).

Good thing I didn’t stock up on too much meat so in case they go powerless again for days, there will be minimal spoilage.

Whelp! Southern Tagalog and Metro Manila will be directly hit earlier than expected. It’s right smack in the middle of the Sunday and Monday, according to the latest bulletin by PAGASA.

What am I going to do?!


So I was having a sort of argument with this friend on messenger. She was sharing her thoughts and I was sharing my experience—or so I thought.

She took it differently and told me to shut my trap and not give her unsolicited advice. I said I wasn’t giving any; I was just sharing that after all the bullshit I’ve been through, including my struggle with my daughter and crap at work, I finally found my peace. I said I was explaining to her why she didn’t understand me that time, why I didn’t want to date, and just retreated to where I am now. I told her what I was sharing with her is the edited version because I didn’t want to bother her with my pain because I can see in her IG stories, what she is posting there shows how much she is struggling. “For me to say that I am at peace is like exhaling after all these,” I told her.

I wanted to append, not everything is about you—reminiscent of what I told her when we were 12 years old.

Some things never change.

Another presscon, another day…Photo by

Food trip

Taco carnitas. Photo by

I needed some exercise and didn’t want to cook today so I went on foot to shop at the community weekend market, where engineers, professors, small business owners, and some expats cook and sell food of their hometowns/countries. Many of them started as hobbyists and sell their wares/dishes to affirm their hobbies and meet the community. Like the husband and wife duo behind the delicious Ilocos food here, the wife is an engineer on weekdays and chops up bagnet on weekends.

Sinful bagnet for dinner. Photo by

I skipped Singaporean/Malaysian food this time since I will be in Singapore next week so opted for Mexican tacos carnitas for brunch.

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I stocked up on my handmade shampoo bars and made my regular purchases of XXL iced macha for my girls and sourdough donuts.

Sourdough everything. Photo by
Pulled pork sandwich with jalapeños. Photo by
Bought a jar of scented candle to light while I work to calm me. Photo by
Shall I buy tea things again? Photo by
Local artists providing music. Photo by
My shopping bag. Eating my tacos while listening to live music. Photo by
And yes, I bought herbs again because the bitch Kristine killed the ones I had. Photo by
Making lassi from 250g of plain yogurt I bought from an Indian couple. Photo by
Drinking my cold lassi on my balcony. Photo by

I’m enjoying my sunny Sunday morning outside because bad weather will set in tomorrow.

Four typhoons in Western Pacific at the same time. Japan Meteorological Agency.
One is headed this way tonight. Japan Meteorological Agency.


Two typhoons in a couple of days.

I have so many appointments next week that I had to book a hotel stay to save me from driving back and forth. Then the weather goes rogue on me. 🥴

This morning’s calm is deceptive. Photo by

I should brace myself for the coming  floods next week.