Everyone is a content creator

Aonsomrutai and her extravagant shopping sprees.

Is it only me who is not into content creation? Like everyone is doing all the social media content creation, trying to be an influencer or just plain feeding one’s vanity.

However, I do understand the content creators who do that for marketing their own businesses, like this amusing Aonsomrutai from Thailand. The character she created—as a socialite whose lavish shopping sprees are entertainment for the rest of us—is funny and you can’t really get angry or jealous of her because she is sweet. The funniest thing here is that she does her shopping in her own stores—but of course it’s not revealed in the skits (she owns luxury brand consignment shops in Thailand) as a way to promote her business. If you’re not aware of that fact, you would really believe that she buys out the entire stock of the stores she visits.

She is a brilliant marketer, that I have to say. She is lovely, too.

But you know, it seems like the all the people on social media are content creators in one way or another. I have not joined the bandwagon to create my brand, as some journalists are doing nowadays. I believe in the old fashioned mantra that journalists shouldn’t be the news, that we are messengers and not the message.

I need art today, massage, and good food

Instead of spending for things that don’t add value in my life, I decided to go the National Gallery and see art on my day off instead.

The former Supreme Court, now the National Gallery. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

And oh boy oh boy! 🤦🏻‍♀️ I should have brought my press ID from a long time ago because journalists are free! They give complimentary tickets to journalists, like in Europe. I could have saved SGD 20.

But it was all worth it in the end. I saw some Luna, Hidalgo, Amorsolo, Botong Francisco, Ang Kiukok, Anita Magsaysay-Ho, and HR Ocampo. There were very beautiful art from Indonesia, Myanmar, and Cambodia as well. The Southeast Asia exhibition art runs until March and it spans 14 galleries.

The newspaper account of Juan Luna’s win at the Exposición Nacional de Bellas Artes in Madrid in 1884. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
The accounts about the modern art masters from Philippines and Indonesia, who brought the region into the world stage. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
These are Juan Luna paintings named España y Filipinas. Luna made several versions of this, which depicts the dream of the illustrado like Luna and Jose Rizal, that the Philippines is being led by its colonial master to progress. It’s basically propaganda work by the ilustrados. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
La Banca by Felix Hidalgo, a contemporary and friend of Luna. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
El Violinista by Juan Luna. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
A lion painting by Indonesia’s Raden Saleh. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Saleh’s favorite subject is lions. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
A painting of a place in Java by Saleh. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

Then I saw a couple of Amorsolos.

By Fernando Amorsolo. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Defend Thy Honor by Fernando Amorsolo. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
A market scene during the Japanese occupation by Fernando Amorsolo. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Burning of Manila, WW2 by Fernando Amorsolo. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

I loved the paintings from Myanmar.

A portrait of the royal family of Myanmar. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Another portrait of the royal family of Myanmar. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
By the river. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Fishing port in Myanmar. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Ambush during the Japanese occupation of Myanmar. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Another fishing port scene in Myanmar. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
A more modern style for Myanmar. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

I also liked the ones from Cambodia and a few from Vietnam.

If I’m not mistaken, these are from Cambodia. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Another style, a scene from Cambodia. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Vietnam landscape. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Another Vietnamese landscape painting. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
The only ones I liked from Singapore are by Georgette Chen. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Self-portrait by Georgette Chen. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

I liked Georgette Chen’s style that I bought one print of hers from the souvenir shop. I will have it framed along with the earlier prints I acquired last year.

A print of one of Chen’s paintings that I bought. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

Meanwhile, more Filipino artists were exhibited across several galleries. The one below is a mural by three artists. A rare collaboration.

A mural by Edades, Francisco, and Ocampo. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Moro Dance by Galo Ocampo. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
This one is by another Ocampo, this time it’s HR Ocampo.
Now, I can’t remember who painted this but this scene is during WW2 in Lagao, General Santos City, South Cotabato in Mindanao. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
This Indonesian scene speaks to me. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Myanmar scene. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
An Ang Kiukok piece. Of course it has to be a Filipino given that it’s Jesus with a crown of thorns. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
This I don’t understand. This is an abstract piece by Fernando Zobel, a grand uncle of the Jaime Augusto and his brother Fernando Zobel de Ayala of Ayala Corp. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
An Anita Magsaysay-Ho. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Of course, I had to include this. 🙃 The exhibit is about the struggles during the Martial Law era in the Philippines and these are the activist artists.
Protest art by the Concerned Artists of the Philippines. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
This is so haunting. These are like the hands of those who were tortured during Martial Law, grasping the walls out of desperation. The desaparecidos.
The juxtaposition against the torture chambers makes the white hands more haunting. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
I feel the pain in this painting by Filipino artist Alfredo Manrique. Its title is Kakarampot (meager). The pain  of the Filipino poor. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
This is about the violent student riots in Bangkok during the 1970s. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
A social realist piece by Pablo Basan Santos. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
A painting about the Vietnam War by a Vietnamese artist whose name escapes me now. Oh wait, it’s there—Bui Quang Anh. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
This is a representation of the Kalinga indigenous groups that fought against the construction of the Chico Dam by Ferdinand Marcos Sr. that wiped out their ancestral lands. Mixed media painting by Santiago Bose. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
A stack of soup bowls. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

There aren’t much from Malaysia—they only apeared in the latter galleries when the time period was modern/contemporary. Same with Thailand. It’s probably because there aren’t many in the hands of private collectors that were lent to the National Gallery of Singapore or they don’t allow art to be shipped out of the country.

I wish I had more time to browse and go to other galleries but I had to go back to Chinatown to eat. I was famished.

I took this photo while waiting for the bus. I may sketch this. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
I had the bak kut teh Klang Valley version that my Malaysian colleague has been endorsing to me. Very, very different from the Singaporean version. No wonder my colleague always spoke with derision when we talk about the bak kut teh in Singapore. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
As I did a lot of walking today, I think I deserve an hour of foot and shoulder/back massage. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

This is the reason why I booked a hotel in Chinatown even though the rooms are tiny. I want to have foot massages but not have to take the train anymore to return to my hotel. I find the old Chinese uncles to be the most effective in easing away my aches.

I had occupied a room on my last day at work so I can do a Zoom interview without disturbing anybody. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

Crazy Pop Mart

Pop Mart’s pop-up store in Suntec. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

A lot of adults with adult money to throw around toys are queueing up to buy in-demand toys from Chinese toymaker Pop Mart. I had been seeing its pop-up stores in Bugis for years now but this is the only time I paid attention to it since people are going crazy with the company’s ugly monster character Labubu. They’re paying thousands of pesos for the stuffed toy that they made into bag charms. This trend started with Lisa from the K-Pop group Black Pink.

A long queue. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

As a special request from my bff, I queued up yesterday to buy her some editions that are constantly sold out in Lazada and Shopee Philippines.

Tiny Pop Mart characters. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

Since it was office hours and I was just killing time before my next meeting, I was able to grant her wish. Once I got inside the store, we video called so she can see the merchandise. She was so excited to see the blind boxes that she couldn’t get her hands on back home.

I bought her the paper bag as well to complete the experience. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Around PHP 1,400 for the two blind boxes. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

She is so thrilled. While I don’t get the craze with Pop Mart, I understand the love for toys or merchandise from your favorite characters. I go nuts for Studio Ghibli Stuff and I search for them in places where I know they’re popular, such as Taiwan, and of course Japan. I used to have a Studio Ghibli shrine in our old apartment in QC just by the stairs top landing.

The Labubu monsters that everyone goes crazy for. Just because people spottted a K-pop star sporting it on her designer bag.
Other Pop Mart characters. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
This is how some people style their bags with the Labubu monster.

Speaking of bags, my mom requested me to buy her bags in Singapore that she will gift the staff at the agency she’s working with. Yes, she has retired from the university but she is still working as a scientist for the DOST. So anyway, I went to Charles & Keith in Marina Bay Sands because they have a bigger store there compared to Suntec. Plus I wanted to go to the Studio Ghibli exhibit at MBS.

The bags I bought for my mom. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

While I personally don’t buy C&K (because they’re PU leather and don’t last like real leather does), I can say I didn’t do bad with my purchases. Yes, there are C&K stores in Manila but I wanted to make my mom feel special by exerting effort and buying what she wanted in Singapore. Plus the new styles is SG may not yet be in Manila. The purchases are complete with dust bags and one is in a box. I asked for three paper bags so my mom doesn’t have to wrap these gifts.

This is sold out 😭. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

I was so busy jumping from one place to another that I wasn’t able to find time to visit this. I wasn’t able to buy tickets ahead of time since I didn’t know when I would be able to squeeze this in. 😭 I’m sooooo sad. I wanted to cry at the concierge.

I wasn’t able to visit the Studio Ghibli Museum in Tokyo the last time I was there because ticket purchases had to be made way ahead, like a month or so. And you can’t buy it online from abroad; you need a friend in Japan to do that for you.

The best substitute was Donguri Republic in Taipei, which I was able to visit in 2016.

Anyway, gotta prepare for three four meetings today. 🫠


I skipped a networking meeting because my social battery is already depleted. If I were to meet this VIP later, I need to recharge. I’m just sitting here at Fullerton Hotel, waiting for the world to swallow me whole. It’s raining so I’m stuck.

Christmas… I don’t feel the Christmas spirit yet… Photo by CallMeCreation.com

I’m just so tired.

A breather

View from our office. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

I didn’t schedule any meetings for today (except for that botched interview) so I can finally sit down and write. I wasn’t that successful in finishing one draft but I did edit two stories and managed to email some sources. I have yet to respond to emails with new contacts though. 🤦🏻‍♀️

I had been ranting to a colleague about some favoritism within… I just had to rant and then go back to working my butt off. As I promised myself, I would just ignore such things, especially office politics, and just do my job well. I have to upskill (data analytics training) save some more for retirement and move out of the industry. I have a more realistic timetable now of five years, slowly building contacts and network.

One of my bffs and I are planning to open up a business—similar to the one we had before ex-husband fucked it up. Now I can do a full suite of services for corporates once we pull this off. My bff will be in charge of operations and logistics (since she’s already doing it for her clients) and I will be in charge of network/client acquisition. We need to attend trade shows in Singapore, HK, and Shenzhen to get suppliers. Then the other aspect of the business is the PR and comms consultancy. The five years I am giving myself are enough lead time.

By then my kids would be starting college and hopefully in UP so it won’t be painful to my pocket and that will give me more space for risks.

On the way to an interview at rush hour. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

The first time I ended an interview tipsy. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

The interview went well and interviewee was nice. Now I have to sit down and write all my interviews—all CEO interviews.

On the way to the hotel. I need something soupy…

Oh hello again, I’m back and I got stood up

I’ve never really warmed up to this MRT mascot.

I lost my extra phone that I’ve been using whenever I go abroad. Along with it was the Starhub SIM that I’ve been keeping alive for quite a while. It was annoying that I had to buy a new SIM card when a top-up of SGD 10 everytime I fly here is sufficient because I get 9GB of data for free when I avail of the one-week validity and it keeps the sim alive longer. I use that number for transactions here in Singapore, like the registration for the SimplyGo app and whatnot.

Anyway, I kept searching for the phone at home, which just lived in my second drawer in my room. It’s unlikely that my kids took it; they aren’t interested in since that’s a very basic phone. I don’t want to put suspicion on my cleaning lady who has all access to all corners of our tiny home. My kids’ friends don’t come near my room. So I don’t know…

The frustrating thing about this lost phone and SIM card brouhaha is that it was difficult to buy a new Starhub prepaid, similar to the one I had. The ones being sold at the airport are too expensive (SGD 50) for a short stay and they’re Singtel. Of course they’re going to push the state-owned brand. I couldn’t have access to the MVNO brands because I’m a foreigner. They had been throttling the access of foreigners to prepaid SIMs that have longer lives to keep text and call scams at bay. What I got is an M1 SIM and it seems like I can only top it up with SGD 7 and keep it alive only for 120 days—and I can’t use the data in the Philippines. And only it’s only the Philippines in Southeast Asia where I can’t use it.

The Singtel tourist SIM isn’t different. A tourist can use the local data allocation in major ASEAN markets except for the Philippines. I noticed that my Starhub wasn’t working in the Philippines for a year or two now. Does it have something to do with the presence of Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators?

Aside from human trafficking, these POGO entities are suspected to be behind the text and call scams all over Southeast Asia. They used to be housed in Cambodia only but have proliferated in the Philippines during Duterte’s time. Before Alice Guo’s arrest, Filipinos were inundated with text scams. These slowed down after the ban on these POGOs.

I suspect that they’re also running boiler room-like operations to scam people in other ASEAN markets. Singapore is particularly vulnerable because they have a lot of elderly people who have been scammed of their retirement funds. These criminals are foreigners and use foreign numbers. The call scammers in the Philippines are the same. I tried talking to one of them just for lark and also to get a sense of their accent and how they run their schtick. Then I reported them to my telco.

An add on my M1 app.


I entered and quickly left. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

I went inside the Singapore store of one of the contemporary brands I had been patronizing and went out as quickly as I could. The prices are just unbelievable. I can buy the same item from their official website in the US and have it shipped to the Philippines for 20k less. 😑 I already have the item in my cart prior to flying to Singapore. I guess I would have to click the check out button once I come back to Manila. That extra 20k that I would be able to save can be socked into my investment accounts and make my frivolous purchase a win-win situation.

And that, my friends, is very tellling.

Ok, I got to prepare for my conference and dinner interview with a CEO.

Horfun for dinner alone. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

I got stood up.

I was supposed to have the last interview of the day at 7 pm on the other side of the island. Because I was not familiar with the area, I arrived an hour before the appointed time and prepared for the interview. An hour after the supposed meeting time, the interviewee was surprised that the interview was today. Then he realized he made a mistake as he entered the wrong date on his calendar.

I had to graciously accept the apologies and I just rescheduled the interview for tomorrow night. I cannot leave Singapore without this interview because it’s one of my deliverables. Although my harvest during today’s conference was a lot—better than I could hope for—I still need to maximize my working hours here. It will be quite a while before I can come back here, with Christmas and Chinese New Year holidays coming up. We have a company Christmas dinner two weeks from now, but I don’t think it’s worthwhile for me to fly again since all the people I need to talk to here would have flown out of the country by then, taking their own long Christmas breaks.

So yeah, I looked ridiculous in that restaurant in my conference get-up (dress, pearls, and all), looking like a dejected girl who got stood up by her Bumble date.

I was so hungry that I ordered horfun for myself. It was large but it’s ok, I will have it for brunch tomorrow at the office.

First time I got stood up. 😑