Yesterday was a bit shocking that even my former boss messaged me to ask, “What’s happening with the world?!”

Looks like a case of mental health illness issue rearing its ugly head. Again. News from Japan say that the assassin is an unemployed former military (Japan’s equivalent of navy) and he killed Shinzo Abe on the basis that he believed Abe is involved with an organization (which news reports say religious) that this assassin hates.
He told investigators that his mother had become bankrupt after spending her money to support a religious group, according to Japanese newspaper Mainichi Shimbun, which cited police sources. He said his family fell apart because of his mother’s obsession with the group, and he targeted Abe “out of resentment,” Mainichi reported.
Mental health issues are taboo topics in Japan, a country that values conformity so much. Psychiatric therapy is almost unheard of there. That’s why you have a lot of hikikomori there and suicide rates are some of the highest in the world.
It’s just sad.
I brought the girls today to their friend’s house so I owned the rest of the day. And of course I spent it sleeping and cuddling with the cats. Slept probably for three hours.

My cats, my children, my relatively comfortable and quiet life make my heart full. I am complete.

As I wrote in my Instagram post today, I fear nothing these days.
Revelation of John 4:5 “From the throne came flashes of lightning, and rumblings and peals of thunder, and before the throne were burning seven torches of fire, which are the seven spirits of God”
One of those seven is Michael the Archangel, the guardian of Israel, who is also my guardian angel.
Together with God’s promise in Psalm 91 and this archangel, I am forever protected. ❤️ I have no fear. 🔥

I am loved and protected. I fear no evil. Many times my ass has been saved from sure disaster.
I used to fear expressing my spiritual beliefs because J scorns it. He doesn’t believe in God, I think. Now, I don’t care anymore. I’m very free to do, express, and believe in whatever I want.
My faith was just tested now but the archangel is looking after me.