The last hurrah before turning into a slave again

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Again, I didn’t have the patience to do sketches before watercoloring. I just stayed loose because I’m lazy and I was just going with the flow, with what I’m feeling. I just followed where the water was going.

I wish I could be like that in real life. However, I can’t because I’m in charge of the lives of two people who are completely dependent on me. I have to be organized and responsible so I won’t fuck up their lives and end up therapy. The only time I can be loose and free is when I watercolor like this. Even when I travel, I say “whatever, I’ll just go with whatever I feel like,” but in truth there are a lot of planning involved there. I’m just not rigid.

So this is my last hurrah before I go back to work tomorrow. Put my nose on the grinding stone again. Then pack our little things in between so I can drive these stuff to my house in bits and pieces…

Speaking of my house, my contractor gave me the bill for the construction work for my laundry area and a separate bill for the waterworks i.e. pressure tanks, etc. I hope these are the last of it because anything more than that means I would have to draw down on my moneymarket UITF. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Good thing I still have enough free cash/retained earnings to tide me by without touching my investments again.

It’s hard to adult.

Because He first loved us

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We love because he first loved us.

1 John 4 :19

I did nothing today but listen to the Easter service this morning online, do watercolors, and sleep. A perfect day for introverts like me.

But I didn’t do anything complicated today. I wasn’t up to it yet.

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I just kept things loose because I didn’t have patience to do pencil sketches of complicated flowers. Maybe later tonight?

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Yeah, later. I need to cook hotpot for early dinner. I’m lazy. You just chuck everything in and there you have it—dinner!

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I made an initial drawing of this last year on my sketchbook. I remade it tonight because I want to see if I have improved. I have better watercolors and brushes now.

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But still, it’s hard to get the colors and blending right 😑. I need more practice. But when to find the time and right amount of headspace for this? I realized that I can make something decent if my mind is fully rested. But then, how can I explain the more decent drawings I had when I was trying to use art as therapy last year? 🤔

Happy Easter!

Since I had my brain rested, I was able to make fresh art again.

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I’ll probably make more complicated ones tomorrow.

Can’t wait for this month to end

I just want to go to the sea without having to deal with the heavy road traffic that motorists have encountered this Holy Week break. Friends had been stuck on NLEX or provincial roads for hours on Thursday. That’s the reason why I chose to stay in the city this long weekend—I don’t want that kind of stress.

My sister has been bugging me to book Las Caidas in Cavinti, Laguna but I said my calendar is full until we move next month. There is no way I can fit that from now since Tuesday next week is the beginning of the annual stockholders meeting season.

But I think I’d rather go to Masungi Georeserve first than Las Caidas because going around Rizal province would be harder for me now that I’m relocating south. Cavinti is just an hour away from my new house so it’s pretty accessible at all-year round.

I am itching to go on a hike or diving instead of lounging around resorts and pretend that I’m a lady of leisure. Nature trips had always been my jam. Good thing my kids learned how to love it, too.

Gotta start packing to go back home. Staying in a hotel for three days in a city is the maximum I can tolerate.

Sushi snuggling with me again. Photo by

And that’s it. I’m hiding in my room now with the aircon on because it’s freaking hot outside. I did all my vegetable and meat shopping before going back home because I have no intention of going out until Wed.

I brought my sewing and watercolor kits with me at the hotel but I wasn’t able to touch those for some reason. I think my body and mind just gave up and didn’t function in the last three days. So that’s what overworking does to me. I just crash and burn. Then I hibernate completely to cope.

You know, planning and arranging things for work and at home (and a house construction) can really exhaust a person. Sometimes, I just want to go with the flow and have somebody else arrange things for me. Just for a change, somebody else to take care of me and lift some of the responsibilities off my shoulders. Because you know, a superwoman gets tired. I’m not a robot.


This is me at 9 am today.

I slept early last night after pampering myself with an hour-long bath. I scrubbed myself with bath salt scrub, stayed in the tub until the hot water cooled, and did a full skin care pampering on my face.

Hahahaha! Scary with face mask.

And I zonked out. But every now and again I got awakened because Twin I kept rotating all over the bed. It was an uneasy night. 😑

It’s 2 pm and we’re still not budging. We’re still in bed 😂. Lovely.

We finally moved our butts and cooled off in the pool for an hour and a half. Photo by

Ah, hungry. Need to get ready to eat at a Korean drinking place. Of course, on a Good Friday. Just like years ago before I had kids, I stayed at Maxims and played at the slot machines on a Holy Thursday. For a hundred peso initial game, I won 7k. 😂

Getting ready for dinner.
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In the end, we got the kid-friendly Korean fried chicken. They didn’t want jjajamyeon.

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Holiday starts in 3..2..1..

Traffic jam along Edsa on Holy Wednesday. Photo by

Yesterday I went to Greenhills to buy 10 m of ethernet cable for my sisters because they have crappy wifi. I bought a new router for me and I will give them my old one so I can lay the ethernet cable up to the second floor of their house and hook up my old router there.

My new router for gamers. Photo by

Then I will lay more ethernet cables so their laptops can directly connect to thw router or they can use the stronger wifi signal. They’re setting up a new office in the former TV area, which they also use as their yoga room. I will do that on the 13th, after all of humanity returns to Metro Manila.

There are a lot of shops that have closed down now in Virra Mall in Greenhills. Must have been casualties of the pandemic + online shopping. Photo by

The roads were clogged yesterday but today—hallelujah!—it’s all so clear.

Ortigas is empty. Photo by

It’s supposed to be so peaceful but my girls are so loud because they brought a friend with them to swim in the hotel’s pool. She will be picked up by her mom tonight after work. Meanwhile, I wonder how we can manage because there is no way we can fit in this bed.

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I got a junior suite. Ummm…this is so small for a junior suite. 😑 I was expecting a king bed.

No wonder my kids got out of the pool earlier than usual. Small kids have dominated the pool. Photo by
Kids are now playing monopoly. Photo by

I’ll take a walk outside for a bit to savor the deserted Ortigas CBD. 🙃

That blue and beige building was the Philippine Stock Exchange (Tektite Tower) Ortigas (the other trading floor was Ayala Tower One) when I was still a local stock exchange reporter. We had a haunted press room there. Photo by
Yey some restaurants are open! Since Koreans are not Catholic, they don’t observe Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Photo by
Hmm…there’s a new Westin across. I wonder how much a room costs 🤔 Photo by