My girls have now graduated from elementary school. ❤️ I couldn’t have been more proud. Despite the upsetting start that we had, the girls and I managed to come out of our ordeals with flying colors. They tried their best because they knew their momma was also trying her best to give them the world. They are really good kids. They are the reason why I wanted to get better and heal myself. I don’t want them to have a broken mama.

Even though I’m far away, I’m still there in spirit. I’m proud momma as both my girls are among the top five of their class.

This is not a valedictory address; Twin I was leading the prayer here. But for me it’s the same. I remember back in grade school and high school, it’s usually the salutatorian who led the prayer, playing second fiddle to the valedictorian who gave the speech representing the class.
My graduation gift to my children is a new house that we would be moving into 15 days from now. A new life with fresh challenges and rewards.
I’m trying to pack my stuff but I just want to curl up in bed. I rushed this morning to attend church service but I got schedules mixed up. I was 30 mins late so I had to attend the next one to make my trip worthwhile.

I had this for late lunch because I was intrigued, trying to figure out how to do the tornado omelette. It’s sad though because I make better tasting pork cutlet and the omurice was bland while mine has flavor.
I’m excited to cook in my new kitchen. I have more prep space, it’s 100x much cleaner, and it is mine. I will make more memorable dishes for my small family in that kitchen. When my girls wake up in the morning, they will have this tornado omurice that will be much better than the one in the photo. Food made with so much love. Too bad my stupid exes didn’t value the domestic goddess in me. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 It’s their loss. 🔥
Domestic goddess x super journalist. You will never find another one like me. 😊 Ah yes, I need this self-affirmation because no one else will give it to me. It’s part of the exercise to value myself because previous partners didn’t. Part of the process of loving myself when no one would.
Congratulations to myself. I see my worth now. Will they, the exes, see my value now or in the future? I doubt. Who cares now, anyway? I deserve so much better, as one of my sources-turned-friend told me a few days ago.
I hope my friend whom I wrote about yesterday sees the wisdom in my healing process. I hope she can have peace. I’m not there yet because I’m still angry but at least I love myself more now. I’m placid—the best description for me now.