George hasn’t been visiting us since before typhoon Egay made his presence felt in this part of the country. I hope he’s warm and dry and not hungry. I couldn’t trap him during the series of days he began commandeering our front door because it needs to be timed with the vet visit and I was too busy to even send a message to the vet 😞.
Meanwhile, we lost to Norway this afternoon. It was painful to watch because Norway scored 3 under 30 mins 😭

We even had a red card. That was like a kick in the gut.
But well done, ladies. Until next FIFA World Cup. Mabuhay!
After church this morning, we bought veggies for the week and I ended up buying two whole lettuce plants in potting soil in styro cups. They’re selling lettuce plants to avoid spoilage because iceberg lettuce spoil in a day or get easily bruised if not properly stored in the cold. I think there’s a nearby hydroponics farm and when they’re selling produce, they plant the veggies in stryo cups in special potting medium.

You can’t get fresher salad greens than this! This should not under direct sunlight or else this would become bitter or dehydrated.

I had been collecting seeds from kitchen scraps like okra, tomatoes, bell peppers, and kalamansi. Once I get settled with school expenses, I will start building garden beds in my yard. I’m close to doing that. 🤞
I will start transforming my home into a homestead. Slowly but surely. ✅ For food semi-self sufficiency
I already found and communicated with a roof solar power company for my setup but not do it this year yet because it requires huge capex. I choose the net metering, hybrid setup so I can lower my electric bill and sell excess to Meralco as it is going to be grid-tied, while I will have a battery setup for the days we will be out of power (and the typhoon season is making me nervous now). ✅ Power self-sufficiency
I’m excited.

I am going to make myself some new pillow cases from the cloth I ordered online two years ago to make masks. For those that I have already cut into smaller pieces, I can make quilts.
Since I won’t be traveling for a while, I can start these projects again. My hands need to be busy again.