I finally got these from the framer this evening. They looked like real paintings 🤣

Perfect! I finally achieved my dream of having an art gallery for a house. Part of my dream is to have a library but of course, due to space constraints, I can’t have a library. Well, I do have spacious book shelves in the living area. But I know that does not count.

I can still put two small frames above the Chinese street scene but I’m reserving that for future prints that I may be able to get from the central bank. I would love to have an Amorsolo or Manansala print. I just messaged the head of corporate affairs of the central bank and sent him these photos. I said that I’m looking for more prints from their online store but they’re not available. *hint hint* I know what I usually get as souvenirs from BSP are limited editions and are not available to the general public. So maybe they still have excess…??? Hopefully, I can ask my friend, M, if they still have extra prints of other national artists. 😊
Before I start working tomorrow, I decided to go to another town for a bit of a break. I brought my girls to Victoria (20 minute drive south) to have a late lunch. Just for a change in scenery.

Food was ok, they have big servings at The Aviary and my kids were happy.
We were supposed to drive to Paete but Twin A wasn’t feeling well. Her stomach has been bloated for quite some time and tomorrow I will request her pediatrician for a referral to a gastroenterologist because I suspect her rapid weight loss has something to do with that. She has been complaining about tummy aches but we were just addressing them with antacids.
I got her thyroid result yesterday and her TSH is out of range–several units higher than the maximum. But her T3 and T4 are ok, which puts her in the category of subclinical hypothyroidism. But that doesn’t explain her weight loss because hypo means she has to gain weight. I would know tomorrow what the doctor would recommend. I need to find what’s causing her rapid weight loss—the way how my daughter looks now is so alarming.
I will be attending a press conference while waiting for our turn at the clinic because lines at the OPD pediatric wing in tertiary hospitals are normally long. Visiting the pediatrician is a day-long affair (oh the horrors of waiting at the MAB of St. Luke’s QC!) when we still had to regularly visit the girls’ pediatric pulmonologist. When the girls were slightly older and no longer needed constant monitoring from the pulmonologist, we shifted to visiting the polyclinic near our apartment and all I had to do was take the tricycle. The waiting time is less than an hour to a maximum of an hour. The lab and radiology are also at arm’s length so it was very convenient.
Now I’m back to visiting OPDs of tertiary hospitals 😩 and back to long queues.
Speaking of which, I haven’t had my breast scans…
Oh God, let this be just a case of tape worms and not some kind of serious gastrointestinal illness or an autoimmune disease. I don’t have the bandwidth to deal with this 🥴