Weekends are too short

This is what Sundays are about. Sushi enjoying my bed. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

Saturdays are for chores and errands. Sundays are for families and friends. There should be another day, like Monday, for self care. Like a whole day for you to recover your strength and sanity for the upcoming week.

Last night I cooked spaghetti and meatballs for my brother’s family here in my house after Twin I did our grocery shopping last Friday evening. Prior to that, my girls attended the “hangout” for high school kids at church and everyone was waiting for Twin A’s first public outing since being discharged from the hospital. She did well, considering they had to walk back from church to our house, together with their kuyas, because traffic was bad so I couldn’t pick them up in my car. It’s nice to have your male cousins protecting you. ā¤ļø

Twin A looked very frail so no one wanted to bother her that much but she mistook it as snubbing, like no one wanted to do anything with her. She was so sad coming home. Twin I said, “why didn’t you tell me?! We thought you wanted to be left alone that’s why you chose to stay in a corner.” I told both of them to communicate better and to tell each other their needs, especially when the time comes when Twin A goes to school in a week’s time.

I also spoke with a high school classmate of mine after church service this afternoon and I hugged him and gave thanks for leading the prayer warriors all throughout our three-week ordeal. The church also sent their care/get well package to Twin A last Friday.

A fellow reporter and his wife sent Twin A also their get well gifts, drove all the way here (since they’re dropping off their niece, who is a freshman here).

One bank sent us these mooncakes just in time for the Mid-Autumn Festival. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

All my close friends had been keeping tabs on us. Fairy gaymother K had been asking me every other day how we are. While we were n the hospital, he has been calling me and trying to keep me sane.

We are loved. ā¤ļø

Cooking ramyun in a claypot, as requested by Twin I. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

I took it easy today and just consumed leftovers or made instant stuff since I want to take a break from cooking. I should just have ordered Grab or Food Panda instead. šŸ¤” I just wanted to rest…

Kimchi using my power washer as a scratching post. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

Ah yes, this power washer is part of my hardware/DIY store hauls last Friday. I had been planning to buy this for quite a while since I need this to clean my stairs, my carpets, and now our water tank. Need to drain and clean our tank every month, clean the tank walls with a clean mop and cleaning chemicals every 6 months, and with Clorox once a year.

I wonder if there are water tank cleaning service providers around here…oh there is! Will contact them tomorrow. *sigh* The headaches of homeownership.

Extra security

Solar-powered LED floor light. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Solar panel charging my night light. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

As added security for my home, I bought a 25-watt solar-powered floor light to illuminate my stairway to discourage intruders and alert us if there are suspicious movements at night. I have a lot of outdoor lights on my eaves but they consume too much power so I can’t leave them on for more than 8 hours every night.

I will be returning to Handyman the dead bolt that I bought and have it exchanged for a barrel and chain lock instead. My contractor said my current lock system is already deadbolt so it’s better to have another system for redundancy. I also plan to install solar-powered torch lights for the garden and pathway.

Add to cart for the 10.10 sale on Lazada.

Aaaaannndddd CCTV camera.

VOG and a bad mayor

Well, we have a new word added to our lexicon: vog. It’s volcanic smog that is now smothering the provinces south of Metro Manila. It’s really gloomy here in our town and I wonder if it’s because the vog reached our side of the world.

Taal volcano and sulfur dioxide emission.

But the heavy smog blanketing Metro Manila now is not related to Taal Volcano’s spewing ash this week. Phivolcs said it is just plain smog that didn’t rise up into the atmosphere due to thermal inversion.

Smog. Smog. Smog. Pollution basically.

I am soooooo glad I’m out of Metro Manila or else my kids and I would be having asthma attacks by now. The government cancelled classes due to the heavy smog hovering over the metro…just like what Jakarta experienced a month ago.

Kimchi and her toys

Meanwhile, I bought Kimchi these fluffy keychains after I couldn’t find her original one. We lost it when we moved. Now she happily tosses one of these when she’s in the mood to play by herself. She’s soooo cute when she does that. šŸ˜

There had been a spate of robberies in our town in the past few weeks or months. One of my BFFs had experienced one break-in their apartment when we were still in the hospital. The thief had the audacity to enter their apartment while the homeowners are still inside and took my friend’s husband’s cellphone in the living area. They caught the perpetrator on CCTV of their neighbor and had come out with a police blotter for the suspect.

Things turned for the worse when a former dean in one of the colleges in our uni was killed by a thief that broke in their home two days ago.

Criminals had taken over our town once again. I remember when this incumbent mayor won his seat the first time around, drug addicts were running around freely and the local police was in cahoots with the drug pushers and druglords. There was a series of killings of students and children…and my TV network sent me here for a week-long reporting of the incidents. I remember the showdown I had that with Mayor G’s administrator, who barred me from interviewing the mayor about the drug-fuelled student killings. I had the temerity to call my brother on my mobile so loudly so that everybody in the municipal hall can hear. I told my brother, “Kuya, bring me a pillow, mat, and a flat sheet. I will sleep here at the Office of the Mayor until Mayor G has the guts to show his face in this office!” I was very much prepared to do that and they know that a TV crew was just outside…they would be losing face if we broadcast that the mayor was never to be seen nor heard when the whole town is crying out for justice.

Why did those things happen? Mayor G was an absentee mayor. Because you see, he was not a native; he really resides in Makati and was seldom in office. He just satisfied the 6-month residency rule by building a house somewhere and so he became eligible to run for office. His father was a close associate of the husband of former President Gloria Arroyo. Mayor G’s father was recently found guilty by the Sandiganbayan of corruption when he was still the head of the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corpā€”the milking cow of any Philippine president.

Before this Mayor G took a seat, we had a good mayor, the one who kept peace and order. Mayor P was the one who banned the use of plastic 20 years ago and cleaned up our own version of Smokey Mountain. He was a no-nonsense administrator who had the police by its neck. Some say he has some strange racket going on, like his brother is a drug lord, that’s why he has the criminal syndicates under his thumb. I’m not sure if it’s true. Haven’t tried investigating.

Mayor P was unbeatable every election but there was a time he had to run for vice governor because he already maximized the term of officeā€”three termsā€”for mayor (or for any elected public official in the Philippines). That’s how Mayor G was able to have a chance to occupy the post. But because he was so bad at it, Mayor G only had one term and the old Mayor P was back.

But Duterte had Mayor P killed by a sniper in December 2020 at his office. Duterte never denied his involvementā€”on TV.

Now Mayor G is back because he ran under the Marcos banner. People are stupid. Same shit we went through more than a decade ago is happening again.

I think I may have to bring my mainstream media friends back here…

51 years

It’s the 51st anniversary of the declaration of Martial Law, the one that allowed the Marcoses to stay in power, absolute power, for almost 20 years. Many have been imprisoned and killed. Social media, with the careful machinations of Cambridge Analytica, erased the atrocities the Marcoses have committed against the Filipino people.

That’s why they’re in power again, ransacking the country again with billions of “confidential funds” appropriated in the national budget. Those confidential funds could have gone to government hospitals, to the patients in charity wards of the Philippine General Hospital, Lung Center of the Philippines, National Kidney and Transplant Institute, and Philippine Heart Center.

But guess what? Their budgets were cut to make way for these so-called “confidential funds” that do not go under the scrutiny of the Commission on Audit.

The last early breakfast for my 7th Grader for the week. Whopeee!

Bacon, pan de sal, cheese omelette, four seasons juice. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

Sigh. It’s hard raising tweens/teenagers. The moodiness, the dramas…it’s hard to explain now. I am emotionally drained because I had a heart-to-heart talk with Twin I. I thought she was mature enough to understand things.

I have a bumpy road ahead. šŸ˜©


Sunrise in my forest while I prepare breakfast. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

Today is much better. Twin A slept through the night and the pain is lesser today. She still feels bloated after every meal though, but the pain is no longer that intolerable.

After preparing breakfast, I went back to bed to sleep for two hours before working.

Early morning light lulling me to sleep. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

I was no longer the only editor today so I only did a few edits. However, procastination got the better of me and all my good intentions flew out the window. I was supposed to bring my daughter to our local pediatrician to check her uric acid but house work and a few edits bogged me down.

I must do it tomorrow.

My younger sister went here to get muffins because I need to decongest my fridge. I have so much food that much of it go past the expiration date. So to avoid that, I’m giving away food

When she got here, she remarked, you haven’t gone out of your house, have you?

“Ah well, yes. Everything I need is here and besides, my work keeps me strapped to my desk,” I replied. Watching over Twin A is also a full-time job; I needed to administer medicines that she needs to take at different times throughout the day. I do periodic checks for tummy aches and other issues that may crop up. I also also supervise her temporary homeschooling.

Ready to tackle work. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

While I surveyed my living/dining area after sweeping the floor tonight, I realized that we really don’t need that much space as long as we have ample storage. Our apartment in QC is bigger than my house but that one was inefficient in terms of storage and layout. We also don’t use the sala that much; it was only used when Ate C watched TV. My girls and I don’t watch TV.

My older sister lived here for three weeks to watch over Twin I while we were in the hospital. She told me that my house is like a condo in Metro Manila when it comes to size but it was cozy and it’s like living in a bubble. She had a world of her own here, far removed from the house next door. She had no idea what was going on in the other house if not for our chat group. And she also didn’t come out of the house because all she needed were here. It’s also peaceful.

What else would I need?

I need sleep

Clearing the mess around the room. I’ve been throwing receipts, old docs, old remote controls, conference and expo materials. It’s taking me quite a while clearing that little pile on the lower left side. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

I woke up at 3 am because Twin A was suffering from tummy ache that bothered her the entire night. The most I can give her was paracetamol. Her doctors didn’t give me home instructions for her pain; her last pain relievers were Tramadol and mefanemic acid and were given to her for 24 hrs after her biopsy.

At 5 am she was up again and wanted to vomit because her tummy was unbearably painful. She mentioned something about sharp pain that comes and goes. Sounded like hyperacidity so I gave her Omeprazole, which is part of her cocktail of daily meds to take. I let her sleep upright, propped up by several pillows. Only then her tummy calmed down and she slept soundly after it.

I cooked cheese omelette with pan de sal for Twin I while her sister slept. Good that she is responsible enough that I didn’t have to worry about her that much after serving her breakfast. Lest I be accused of not giving importance to my firstborn, I asked Twin I if I could go back to sleep because my head was already pounding for the lack of sleep instead of seeing her off to school.

I slept for almost 2 hours, which wasn’t enough, then subjected myself to tortureā€”editing all day until 8 pm today. I was the only editor on duty today. šŸ˜©

But this is nothing compared to what I experienced the last three weeks. I would rather take this any day than be back to that horrible three weeks.
