I had chopped off my long hair when I was so heartbroken in December 2020. I kept my hair long for my ex because he liked it that way. Cutting it really short was an act of rebellion on my part, sort of taking back control when I couldn’t have the same kind of agency in other aspects of my life then. I told the hairdresser, “Give me a haircut that would give justice to a girl who was dumped by her partner.” My hairdresser understood the assignment.
For years I kept it short and always went back to that hairdresser because he understood what I was going through.
Last year when we had our professional headshots taken c/o my company, I still kept my hair short. Professional. Intimidating.
I didn’t realize that it has been a year since I had a haircut. I had grown it long again and I haven’t been bothered by it. Maybe because I’m past the survival mode stage. Maybe because I am truly healing, not the contrived healing I had set for myself during the first two years. Last year was hard because I uprooted myself and my kids from the life I’ve known the last 20 years and started over. It was hard because of Twin A’s health crisis.
However, 2023 was cathartic, too. I learned how to be stronger and became really happy with how my life turned out, despite the challenges.
When I reflected on this—my hair and what it meant—I realized I no longer have hate reigning in my heart. I think I no longer hurt. I think I have reached the apathy stage. Maybe I’m at this stage where my urge to throw my shoes at him if I encounter him is no longer that strong.
My regret is that I had those last three agonizing years with me, leaving deep scars on me.
My hair is long again. Does it mean I am trying to be attractive to the opposite sex again? I’m not sure. I’m happy with the way things are.
Indoor cats looking jealously over the outdoor cats. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Tabby cat (not the tabby with socks) was weak last night, probably a side effect of the antiparasitic med I gave him. He was just out of it and I was afraid he would die the next day. I brought him liempo bone that he just sniffed and ignored while his siblings were greedily gnawing at theirs.
I was desperate. I forced it to take Vit C via syringe and reconstituted powdered filled milk, via syringe as well. Twin I and I patiently force-fed it with milk—the only thing I knew that saved Kimchi when she was about that age and was just newly adopted by us, fresh from the storm drain. Kimchi also suffered from infections that time and had to be inserted with IV because she was in really bad shape.
Kimchi was very sick four years ago. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Anyway, I patiently made sure Tabby was fed and given strength. Towards midnight, he was strong enough to go down the stairs and interact with mommy cat.
Now, he’s running around like nothing happened. 😊 (See photo above, he’s the skinny one).
He probably vomited or had diarrhea because of the antiparasitic med I gave him. His other siblings didn’t have the same reaction so they were fine and were running around the utility area and barren garden. The dosage might have been too much (0.5 ml).
I took a break outside to snack on junk food. I know it’s bad but it’s Friday and I’m not going anywhere.
I paid millions to have my own balcony. Might as well enjoy it like this. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
And this is the last story I am editing for this week. So far, so good. No drama, no skirmishes with boss.
A glass of spakrling white grape to sip during my last editing duty, a story from India. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Meetings and more meetings. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
This is how my desk looks like for the past 24 hours or so. I’ve been busy setting up meetings, filling up my calendar for my trip to SG in a few weeks. I need to justify the cost of being there despite the fact that 1) I head the region and we would be hosting a conference; 2) my office is there.
It’s really ridiculous. It’s not my fault that the parent firm/owner is highly leveraged that they’re being stingy in so many ways. I had to defend why I need to fly on a Sunday instead of a Monday (to save on hotel booking). I said, even if I take the earliest flight on a Monday, half of the day is already gone because I would be able to get out of the airport at almost noon. I would also be battling sleeplessness since I have to drive to the airport at 1:30 am so I can have enough time to deal with the long queue at immigration in NAIA. I booked Philippine Airlines so I don’t have to deal with the horrible queues at Terminal 3.
I have a million and one things to do.
The daily househelp next door finally took Tuxedo kitty home. She is the first to be adopted in the litter of five. Before I had let her go, I administered deworming medicine to her along with her siblings. I gave her new owner the rest of the medicine since she needed to take that again twice, two weeks apart. I’ll just buy another bottle for the rest of the litter.
Her cries were so pitiful as she was taken away in the cat carrier I lent her new owner. She can no longer play with her siblings 😢. But adoption is the best option for these kitties because I cannot have them all inside my tiny house.
Meanwhile, I administered antiparasitic medicine topically on the adult cats as prescribed by the vet who spayed Ampon. For my indoor cats, Sushi and Kimchi, they only needed to have this every three months (good, because it’s pricey) but for the outdoor cat, Ampon, this needs to be a monthly thing.
Php 1,700 on Lazada. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
😩 It’s costly to keep animals healthy. But as they say, single women collect cats as they grow older. I don’t know why.
Maybe because cats love me back whereas human males just use me and then discard me once my usefulness has expired. 🤷🏻♀️
I shouldn’t be hard on myself. If things are not going as fast as I want them to be, then I should be patient. Pushing too hard may cause me to choose the wrong path for me. Anyway, no one is putting a deadline on me except myself. Like all my interview requests aren’t coming back to me immediately and it has taken them weeks to reply about a date and time. Just like the gigs I want to get; initial meetings aren’t getting scheduled as soon as I want them.
So having two clients by June may not be that easy.
I should be less emotionally involved with my work. The editor who I once had skirmishes with a few years ago told me in HK that in order for me not to go crazy because my boss is being insufferable, I should get away from my desk figuratively after 5 pm. He told me the problem with me is that I am too invested, too emotionally tied to my work. “You take work seriously,” he said.
Yeah, that’s the problem. I’m too passionate about work. I also identify myself too much with my profession. My identity is too much tied to what I do.
Because I loosened up my timetable, I allowed myself to spend on big-ticket items the past few days. My reason is that when I have already transitioned into a new role while still building up my name/income, I wouldn’t be able to afford to replace my mobile phone and that of my daughters. So this past weekend I replaced Twin A’s four-year-old phone, which she inherited from me, with a new but entry-level one. Then yesterday, I bought myself a new, mid-level phone and passed on my two-year-old but higher end phone to Twin I.
They take turns in inheriting higher end phones from me so everything is fair and square. They’re good kids; they haven’t caused me too much grief (of their doing) and they help me with chores. They know now how to be responsible for themselves and the house. In terms of academics, I wouldn’t ask for anything more. I expect them to get the highest honors and high honors by the end of the school term in June.
Since I already pushed back my timetable from June to yearend—I initially thought I could step down from my management position and go freelance by then—my budgeting for expenses has become more flexible. I still have time to have surgery on my osteoma and have another executive check-up while Twin A is winding down her therapy. I may step away from my job and be independent by next year, 1Q25 instead of end-2024.
Work slowly and live gracefully. No one is chasing me. If something is for me, then it will find me. Just like when finding a partner, the more you pressure yourself and not take things easy, the worse it’s going to be. You will choose the wrong person. It’s like eating fruits before they are ripe… Hinog sa pilit.
So my message to myself is: be patient, work hard on it. It will work out in the end. God has always been kind to me.
Bougainvillea during one of my walks. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
I’m not a millennial (a young GenX or Xennial) but this article from the Guardian embodies what I’ve been feeling all along: wanting a “softer life”. However, the interviewees here are all single and childless so they can afford to halve their salaries and be underemployed for a kinder life.
Increasing private school tuition puts a lot of pressure on single mothers like me. I can’t just do what they did but it seems like that’s my direction. The big thing weighing on my mind is, I would be sacrificing financial freedom for mental health when I have dependents still in school.
So what am I to do?
At this point, I really don’t know.
Probably, just work and give the bare minimum—the quiet quitting—until I can become an independent contractor or consultant.
All my life as a mother, I always had a million and one things racing through my head that’s why I always seemed like a scatterbrain or negligent. But they don’t know I had to balance so many things and I always needed to think ahead. I couldn’t live in the moment because there were so many people and things dependent on me. My mental and physical health suffered. It is exhausting. If only I could choose the “soft life” this article is talking about.
Hot during the day, rainy at night. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
I checked my dashboard, I wasn’t chosen for the consultancy gig I applied for. There were others but they weren’t a match. There was one that I could chew on but the rate was low so it was a no-go for me.
This would slow down my plan.
I need to push to get more side gigs. My boss is already driving me insane—causing my Monday anxiety so much.
People resign because of bad managers. I’m a testament to that. As my high school friend told me last night over dinner (I cooked for them and her kids), I cannot afford to just let go and say, “fuck you, I’m leaving!”
“You have kids that you’re sending to a private school. You can’t just walk away like that. That’s why I’m going through all this circus for my PhD (in Belgium) so that I have an ace with me when things go south,” she said.
This is the signal that I should really take that short course on data analytics in May.
Kitties running around all day. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
The kittens are more free now that they can go up and down the stairs. They spend most of the day downstairs, playing in the laundry/utility area. They only come up to eat and sleep with mommy cat at the end of the day.
Here is our little void taking a nap. Photo by CallMeCreation.comSnack time. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
Our little derpy orange boy is hiding under one of the water tanks, taking a nap because it’s cooler there. He emerged after I panicked when I couldn’t find him. I’m always scared that they will get eaten by snakes. We do have some large ones here since we’re just spitting distance from a rainforest.
My stairs are blooming again. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
I should add more flowering plants on my stairs. 😝
Yesterday, I had to go out and buy cat supplies because the stainless steel cat litter box I ordered online has arrived. I needed to buy fresh cat litter to fill the new box.
I could hear my mom in my head, commenting dryly that my cats are so spoiled. Yes, they are. The stainless steel box cost me PHP 2,700—just for pee and poop 😶. Well, I keep justifying to myself that 1) the smell of cat pee (the foulest odor there is if not masked by cat litter scent) does not stick on stainless steel whereas they do on plastic boxes; 2) it’s big and has high walls. Kimchi finally fits in a cat litter box!
Kimchi getting out of the box after doing her business. Photo by CallMeCreation.com