I didn’t see any semblance of the Last Supper here. The man on the table is clearly Bacchus, the Greco-Roman god of wine and fertility. This is Bacchanalia, debauchery of the highest level as the Greeks/Romans revel in food, wine, and sex.
The man on the table does not, in any way, resemble Jesus Christ. The paraphernalia is also consistent with Bacchus: flowers, fruits—all representation of agriculture and fertility.
Now, if indeed they were mocking Christianity, then they can do so—it’s very French of them to do so. Remember Charlie Hebdo? The French don’t care.
Are you offended? Why? Is your faith dependent on imagery and religious symbols? Geee, it’s really the Catholics who are raising hell (and the Evangelicals in the US) because their religion is anchored on ceremonies, symbols, and rules. I should know; I had been a faithful Sunday school-going child who became a lector until first year high school. Then I dropped out because it all didn’t make sense to me. I didn’t find salvation that way.
If mockery of religious symbols (Da Vinci’s Last Supper is not a religious relic nor canon, by the way) affect your faith, then you have so little of it!
I told my friend earlier (we both belong to the same church but different branches) that the Catholics’ faith is anchored on all these dogmas and sacraments (yeah, yeah, the seven sacraments and so many rules on every rite). That’s why they hold all the symbols and imagery so dear.
But you know, following all these do not earn you a ticket to heaven. You are saved by God’s grace alone. It’s your faith and relationship with God is what matters, not following rules and dogmas.
So what if they mocked Da Vinci’s Last Supper (but again it’s not the Last Supper 🤦🏻♀️)? Did that weaken your faith? Did it make God less holy? If they indeed mocked it, then it’s between them and God and it has nothing to do with you. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah by just one flick of His finger; let Him deal with those alleged French religious offenders.
Righteous indignation that is so misplaced. Where was their indignation when children got torn into pieces in Gaza? When children were bombed in Syria? Where were they when children were shot point-blank by local police because the madman Duterte had this operation tokhang raging nationwide?
Hypocrisy at its finest.