Fuck around and find out.
Just like the Mexican supporters of Trump, the Pinoys thought they’re going to be spared. They thought that by supporting Trump, the other immigrants will not get their jobs. The Filipinos want to keep out other Filipinos because they would be taking their jobs, that’s the basic reason they supported Trump. The other is religious zealousness, but that’s for another day.
But guess what? All of them are going down, undocumented or documented. My relatives in the US are the biggest Trumpers out there and I already unfriended them or blocked them circa 2018 on Facebook and Instagram. Now one of my uncles is coming home before he could get deported because he has a mental disability. God knows what ICE will do to him. My mom is already preparing for his arrival and setting up his medical appointments.
They’re even arresting Native Americans! Like, where will you send them back to?! You see, it’s not about whether you are documented or undocumented; it’s about your skin color. Would they pick up an undocumented Polish or East European off the streets? Hell no. If you’re not white, you’re an easy target.
Fuck around and find out.
Meanwhile, Berlin had a massive mobilization against the extreme right. The US wouldn’t understand this now.
@c5n 🇩🇪 Masiva movilización en Berlín contra la derecha extrema | #c5n #noticias #berlin
The Germans know how it is to be led by a fascist, how to have leaders who hate. The Germans know how dangerous it is to have the extreme right take control.
As I predicted, Trump policies will lead the US economy into a slippery slope. The US Federal Reserve has taken a preemptive step before inflation could run away.

And how can a business man not know the basic concept of inflation and interest rates?!

The problem with the myopia of the Republicans is that they think manufacturing will return to the US this way. It will take them decades before they can achieve the manufacturing prowess and technology of China.
China can devote three cities just to produce one product.
To circumvent the US “ban” on Chinese products, Chinese manufacturers had been buying manufacturers in Southeast Asia, just to change the “Made in xxx” tag on products. They had been buying semiconductor makers, industrials, and medical device companies in Singapore and Malaysia. I had been writing about this for two to three years already.
The US can’t do import-substitution because they can’t substitute, let’s say a Taiwan-made computer chip, with an American made one. Because only 10% of the chips are made in the US. The most advanced chips are made overseas. TSMC, which makes chips for Nvidia, is the number one supplier in the world and it operates in Taiwan. They tried bringing TSMC operations in the US but they lack manpower or skilled workforce. No American would want to be assembling chips for minimum wage. Now that they’re deporting immigrants who are willing to work for low wages, good luck to them finding workers, especially skilled ones, to work for TSMC.
The Philippines’ number one export is semiconductors (specifically semicon and electronics) and not agricultural commodities like Manila hemp. Malaysia has a thriving EMS industry, so does Singapore. We have the manpower, the people who can do mind-numbing assembly day in and day out. I doubt if an American will do semicon assembly for less than USD 10 a day.
Brexit. My sister told me it’s just like Brexit. Now the Brits are swallowing the bitter pill that misplaced protectionism has done.
The average Briton was nearly £2,000 worse off in 2023, while the average Londoner was nearly £3,400 worse off last year as a result of Brexit, the report reveals.
UK’s inflation rate was double than that of the rest of EU in 2023. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out the shortages in UK grocery stores are in part, if not all, because of Brexit. It’s the supply chain, stupid!
The US Fed has already seen this, hence, the pause in rate cuts.
And you know what’s the best way to destroy the confidence of the financial markets? Having a president, or whoever is in the executive branch, who meddles with monetary policy. That’s the number one lesson I learned when I covered the central bank.