Anxiety eating me alive

I promised myself that I would be working today even though it’s a holiday. I needed to finish writing those two analysis pieces and have them published tomorrow and on Friday.

But I just spent the entire day reading and watching videos. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Maybe it was my brain’s way of saying that it was too exhausted the past two days. It needed a break.

But now it’s 11 pm I haven’t written even the lead paragraph. I needed to meet my monthly quota or I’m screwed. My manager will be talking to me on Friday since my team hasn’t been meeting the quota. It’s really hard—this region is hard and I can’t keep whipping my team to death. My Indonesia reporter said he’s exhausted; he can’t keep bouncing off Jakarta every 60 days.

What makes things worse is that I may be headed to HK next month and that would eat into my days for news gathering.

I don’t how I would sleep well tonight.