Everyone is a content creator

Aonsomrutai and her extravagant shopping sprees.

Is it only me who is not into content creation? Like everyone is doing all the social media content creation, trying to be an influencer or just plain feeding one’s vanity.

However, I do understand the content creators who do that for marketing their own businesses, like this amusing Aonsomrutai from Thailand. The character she created—as a socialite whose lavish shopping sprees are entertainment for the rest of us—is funny and you can’t really get angry or jealous of her because she is sweet. The funniest thing here is that she does her shopping in her own stores—but of course it’s not revealed in the skits (she owns luxury brand consignment shops in Thailand) as a way to promote her business. If you’re not aware of that fact, you would really believe that she buys out the entire stock of the stores she visits.

She is a brilliant marketer, that I have to say. She is lovely, too.

But you know, it seems like the all the people on social media are content creators in one way or another. I have not joined the bandwagon to create my brand, as some journalists are doing nowadays. I believe in the old fashioned mantra that journalists shouldn’t be the news, that we are messengers and not the message.