I was so busy trying to email people, arranging interviews here and in Singapore that I almost forgot to cook dinner. Good thing I have the InsantPot, I can cook kare-kare in under an hour. That InstantPot and Philips airfryer are the best buys I had for my kitchen. They made my life easier now that it’s just me who does all the cooking.
Speaking of interviews, I just emailed my bosses that I got a free media invite to cover a conference in Singapore in a couple of weeks. It was short notice but I hope they will approve my travel as I also clinched an interview of a CEO of a company I patronize. He agreed to an interview if I fly to Singapore and have the face-to-face interview. He even gave me his WhatsApp. 😁
Keeping my fingers crossed.
Oh ‘Murica!
You might scoff at me and ask, what do I care about the results of the elections in the US?
Well I’m not going to be directly affected by the stupidity of the US electorate but like the rest of the world, we are going to be collateral damage.

I will just write about this tomorrow when my disgust lowers a bit.