I’ve been doing laundry for three days. My cleaning lady did not come yesterday because of the Todos Los Santos holiday and my kids’ uniform needed to be washed before she ironed them today.

I have already gathered and folded several batches of clean laundry to make room for the new ones I had been hanging since midday Wednesday. I did that in-between edits, which helped me to clear my head.
I surveyed my surroundings and saw that my cleaning lady didn’t have to do any yard work anymore since everything has been taken care of after the bitch Kristine has left.

I still have fruit trees. One rambutan tree looks like it died after going bald after Typhoon Kristine. The avocado tree is leaning dangerously lower; it was almost uprooted. I must have it adjusted with some kind of support to keep it upright.

Yes, I buy 8 kg of cat food. I feed too many cats.
I had cleaned out the contents of my fridge and now I had to replenish it. I’m almost afraid of buying too much meat again in case another horrible typhoon hits us again and leave us without power for a week. And it seems like there’s another big one coming…