Our town is officially under State of Calamity. This means prices of goods and services cannot be jacked up due to high demand and scarcity. Calamity funds from the national gov’t will immediately be released and it will be the priority area for relief efforts.
Mobile internet is very spotty after my sisters have turned off the power generator, so getting this blog updated after hours is a challenge. Smart is not smart these days. I texted a friend from PLDT’s corp comm unit about this.
My older sister read in some chat group or Facebook post that some barangays in our town near the lake are still underwater. Count ourselves lucky that we are at the foot of the mountain that’s why water that flooded my mom’s porch drained quickly.
It’s 4:51 am, I’m awake. I checked on Twin I who had a long fit of coughing trying to get the sticky phlegm out before we turned in for the night. I’m on standby in case we need to nebulize again at the hospital because we’re still out of power.

I wanted to catch up on sleep but I need to move my butt or else the food inside my freezer will get spoiled. I shopped for an ice box and searched for stores with tube ice—and that was the most challenging part. It’s always sold out wherever I went. I remembered one Alfamart near a Mount Grace hospital and went there, thinking that people won’t be buying tube ice there because they already have electricity. Eureka! I was right! I bought three bags and flew home.
Now the distasteful part—the cleaning of the freezer. It was great that my freezer held out for this long and my meat and other frozen goods were still cold albeit already defrosted. I needed to cook the unmarinated ones because they won’t last in the ice box. The rest can be chilled in the ice box and the freezer with a bag of tube ice.
For the next 1.5 hrs I cooked: gyudon, bak kut teh, pininyahang manok (chicken in cream and pineapple), and grilled porkchops and grilled Mediterranean chicken.

Told my sis in law to bring her entire brood because all this food needed to be consumed tonight. I don’t think my fridge will be turned on tonight. 😩