First day of personal time off

Wohoooo I don’t have to deal with bullshit right now. Last night I spent 3 hrs finishing that IT compliance training so IT would stop emailing my boss that I haven’t completed the training yet.

My bed is so cozy I could spend the entire day here. Photo by

I spent the entire morning doomscrolling. I know, I know, that’s the dumbest way the spend my free time but my brain just wants to be dead for a few hours after spending my Monday and Tuesday chasing people on my phone and via my pc. Aside from spending 3 hrs on compliance training last night, I also had to deal with an editor outside of east Asia who doesn’t know about estate planning by family corportations that involves IPO and tax implications. At 8 pm when I’m supposed to be off. 🤦🏻‍♀️

So I can be forgiven for wanting to be brain dead this morning. Now I need to walk to my old dentist to have a crown that has gotten loose reattached and deal with my painful impacted wisdom tooth.

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