The price of homeownership

Replacing my water heater. Photo by

There is freedom in homeownership but there is also immense responsibility. All repairs and maintenance are solely mine. If I miss a beat or go cheap, I will pay the full price later on.

My shower heater finally gave up its ghost after 6 faithful years of service. I brought it from our apartment in QC and it was able to service us for a whole year in my new house before giving up. I had my contractor replace it and have him do other minor repairs and updatea around the house (e.g. dry wall my kids destroyed).

Tadaah! I have a water heater again. Will patch up the holes where the old heater had hung. Photo by

I don’t go cheap with appliances and materials because I don’t want headaches later on.

Repairing the dry wall. Photo by

We’re now in PGH FMAB for Twin A’s check up. We’re surrounded by babies and toddlers coughing like dogs. Experience taught me this kind of environment is a petri dish of various highly contagious diseases.

Waiting at the pediatrics OPD. Photo by

There was a time when my twin babies and I were waiting for our turn at our pediatrician’s clinic, we were surrounded by children sick with pneumonia. Masks then were not mandatory. After 2 days, my kids were struck down by pneumonia, as well because the waiting area was ventillated by a huge industrial fan that probably spread the airborne droplets. I had it bad, being the last one in our household who contracted it. šŸ˜·

This is the reason why I hate waiting for doctors. I spend hours at the waiting area and get exposed to pathogens then get sicker than I originally was.

Blood extraction. Photo by

I don’t know what we’re facing now. I have a strong feeling that we will have to do the biopsy. Twin A’s uric acid is above normal even though she has been off her TB meds now for 10 days. It’s 6.6 when normal range is 2.0-6.0. šŸ˜©

Being a parent, a mother specifically, is not for the selfish/self-centered. It’s not for the weak. I just scrounge around for energy to plod on but most of the time I am running on empty, physically and emotionally. I’m tired but I just push on. If it’s more than TB that we’re still facing, then bring it on. God, I’m so tired.

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