Detaching one’s self from her job

They said this is the first step towards a healthy relationship with work–detachment from it. But how do I begin? How do I introduce myself to people when they ask? “Hi, I’m CallMeCreation and I’m a mother of twin girls.”

There are some shitty things at work that I just learned the past few days and I’m initially hurt and offended but later on I decided that I shouldn’t give any more fucks. That’s it, don’t give a rat’s ass. I shouldn’t be pressuring myself to outperform last year’s metrics anymore because I shouldn’t be chasing promotions and raises. If I want additional income, then it should come from another job or side hustle. That also should keep me sane.

I told Kr that I realized that when I told my colleague at my undergrad college in this university that I’m ready to start lecturing again, I was really just seeking an outlet to do things other than what I do with this company. Being locked up in the four corners of my room is damaging to my mental health since I just eat and breathe this company—that it’s all I think about. So when my boss makes me her punching bag, it feels like it’s all life has to offer me because my job just consumes my entire being, inside and outside of my home. I need to meet other people not connected to my job with this company. I need to touch grass again.

Kr said that’s true. That’s why even though the commute sucks, she was glad she has this side hustle of hers writing for TV because she gets to shed her identity and her life as a journalist for our company. She meets other people outside her main job. That she is able to get out of her condo and walk in the morning to take the MRT to the TV station. It’s her way to decongest her head. It’s like her meditation of some sort everyday.

Maybe I should take three units of teaching load next semester.

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